On Nov 14, 2007 5:00 PM, Vivek J. Patankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ashutosh Adkar wrote:
> >  I am pretty sure they have improved, just telling you the way things
> > were...
> Maybe.
> I went to my local exchange earlier this afternoon and filled out the
> form. I was told that I could not get a connection immediately because
> their hardware capacity was full. Apparently, new equipment to expand
> capacity has already been delivered to the exchange, but there is no one
> who can do the installation. According to them, some one will come over
> from one of the bigger exchanges to do that installation by the 1st of
> December and then they will start installations on a first come first
> served basis.
> This is in the Nyati County area of Mohammedwadi, Hadapsar. So I guess
> I'll be on GPRS for another month or so. Argh!

What are the document formalities, as in what documents to submit to
get a connection?


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