On Nov 14, 2007 5:00 PM, Vivek J. Patankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ashutosh Adkar wrote:
> >  I am pretty sure they have improved, just telling you the way things
> > were...
> Maybe.
> I went to my local exchange earlier this afternoon and filled out the
> form. I was told that I could not get a connection immediately because
> their hardware capacity was full. Apparently, new equipment to expand
> capacity has already been delivered to the exchange, but there is no one
> who can do the installation. According to them, some one will come over
> from one of the bigger exchanges to do that installation by the 1st of
> December and then they will start installations on a first come first
> served basis.

With BSNL, following up works. People there are absolutely not proactive :(
They can silently delay your work for months citing silly reasons later,
like 'nobody opened the door when our wireman came to your place'. They need
to be pushed. The more you push them, the better things will work for you.
Most of the time, there is no point is talking to anybody below the post of
SDE(subdivisional engg). They give empty promises. Better talk to someone
senior, they are more responsive and responsible. Ask for their mobile phone
number. Generally, they give it. Then, you can query them whenever you want
;) Tell them, that i want this done or else i'll switch to Reliance or TATA
or whatever.  Stating this at the right time was found to have appreciable
effects :P If you have some 'contact' in BSNL, then nothing like it :)

2 cents i earned from experience...

Best regards,

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls
and looks like work. -- Thomas Edison
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