Hi Tim, all, My earlier message to this thread (on 8 April) hasn't been properly received/distributed by the list. Marcus was very kind to help me solve this, so you should receive this message now.
Anyway... see my original message below. Hope it's still useful. ----- Hi Tim, Didn't really notice this thread until now. I understand you're looking into deployment using Docker. However, to provide some perspective, we're happily running Pharo in production on a (self-managed) VPS on Hetzner Cloud (which uses 100% green energy!). We use our own adaptation of Pharo server tools based on Sven's original work: https://github.com/objectguild/pharo-server-tools. We started with running Pharo 7.0 and have since upgraded to Pharo 8.0. Some experience with Linux command line is certainly welcome, but it should be fairly easy to get this going. Mind you, the README is (unfortunately) _not_ up to date. Regarding Docker, I don't have much experience myself. I've only used it a couple of times to troubleshoot smalltalkCI issues, never for running a Pharo server application. Hope this is of some use to you or others. Good luck and have fun! ----- Kind regards, Jonathan van Alteren Founding Member | Object Guild B.V. Software that works with you jvalte...@objectguild.com On 8 Apr 2021, 12:58 +0200, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works>, wrote: > Head slap.... I completely forgot I could do that, thanks for reminding > Pierce (its almost better as well, as you can build your image, save it, then > run tests on it, and then if it passes all your stages you can included the > saved version in your docker build... which sits better with me as it also > means that log artifacts etc can be more easily examined for failures (and > your not trying to console into a docker image to figure it out). As a nice > side effect - if you are doing this in something like Gitlab - you have your > project source already there and so you can avoid an extra checkout step, so > its a little bit faster. > > Pierce - who/where are you rnning your Docker image? Do you use a particular > service (or are you running your own?) > > Tim > > > > On Thu, 8 Apr 2021, at 4:29 AM, Pierce Ng wrote: > > On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 02:21:14AM +0100, Tim Mackinnon wrote: > > > I also feel its quite important to call out that the "eval 'Metacello > > > new..." command referenced in the DockerFile RUN - is only going to work > > > > Hi, > > > > I build my Pharo image outside of Docker. My Dockerfile then packages the > > built image plus whatever artefacts required into a Docker image. I am > > using my Alpine Linux-based VM. > > > > GH: https://github.com/pharo-contributions/Docker-Alpine/ > > DH: https://hub.docker.com/r/pierceng/pharovm-alpine > > > > Pierce > >