I read the title which contains „easiest/cheapest“ and then you drop names 
„docker“, "CI which injects“ and „stages" … this invalidates at least „easiest“ 
and maybe „cheapest“ as well. I think I missed the intent of this mail. So can 
you give a few more details otherwise it is hard to meet the „easiest on this 
level of requirements“


> Am 12.04.2021 um 10:36 schrieb Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works>:
> That is cheap 3e/m is definitely worth considering… but I guess you do have 
> to take care of your own patching etc right (which isn’t necessarily 
> horrible, but does require a bit of extra effort to track things). I was 
> interested in whether the next step up in the food chain using Docker images 
> that are hosted for you, might lessen the burden a bit? E.g. if your CI 
> injects a pharo image into the latest “safe” docker image from the community 
> - then hopefully you are insulated from all of this.  It does look like this 
> is becoming a reality if that dockerize.io soln plays out (I got that 
> working, its cheap - however they haven’t answered any of my email queries… 
> so I do wonder how real it actually is). The fallback would definitely be 
> something like Hetzner or Digital Ocean I guess.
> Tim
>> On 12 Apr 2021, at 08:47, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>>> Am 12.04.2021 um 04:02 schrieb Jeff Gray <j...@rogerthedog.com>:
>>> Considering easiest and cheapest, there's always self hosting, or are you
>>> discounting that idea?
>>> Most geeks have a bit of spare hardware laying around and broadband
>>> up-speeds aren't too bad.
>>> I'm guessing that if we are in the $5 a month ball park then we aren't
>>> needing a guaranteed up time.
>> My cloud instance is 3€/month. With an additional 20% amount the instance 
>> has a backup. And setting it up is way simpler then getting dynamic DNS 
>> updates and all of that configured. Times have changed a bit.
>> Norbert

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