Although my main instance is on Digital Ocean, I have a test/play instance on 

This is really hip & cool: it is an AWS Graviton 2 instance (Amazon's own ARM64 
CPU, much like Apple Silicon) [ ]. I run a 
small t4g.micro instance, 1GB RAM, 8GB Disk.

Last bill was just USD 2.89 which is crazy cheap for a full month 24/7.

Thanks to the fact that Pharo has a full JIT VM on ARM64, this is crazy fast as 

I am sure that the reason this is so cheap is the fact that it is super 

You can try this easily for yourself.

> On 13 Apr 2021, at 01:57, Esteban Maringolo <> wrote:
> What do you use that's so cheap/affordable?
> El lun., 12 de abril de 2021 04:48, Norbert Hartl <> 
> escribió:
> > Am 12.04.2021 um 04:02 schrieb Jeff Gray <>:
> > 
> > Considering easiest and cheapest, there's always self hosting, or are you
> > discounting that idea?
> > Most geeks have a bit of spare hardware laying around and broadband
> > up-speeds aren't too bad.
> > I'm guessing that if we are in the $5 a month ball park then we aren't
> > needing a guaranteed up time.
> > 
> My cloud instance is 3€/month. With an additional 20% amount the instance has 
> a backup. And setting it up is way simpler then getting dynamic DNS updates 
> and all of that configured. Times have changed a bit.
> Norbert

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