You are wrong. 

You can favour or be against a code of conduct. 
You can have any judgement about the community and how the community 
work/should work.
You can leave or you can stay in places that matches 100% or just partially 
your ideology. 

What you cannot do is to bash people because they think differently. 

And that phrase was meant to bash an ideology, not to argument against the CoC. 

So yes, he is out of place. 

> On 20 Sep 2019, at 12:30, PBKResearch <> wrote:
> Sven
> I think all your complaints against John Pfersich are misconceived:
> 1. He is talking about the content of the code, which is exactly the topic of 
> the thread.

Yes, and he is insulting the people sustaining it.

> 2. He is claiming that the code as drafted has a political slant. This may be 
> true, false or a matter of opinion, but to discuss whether it is so is not in 
> any way introducing politics.

introducing it as a negative fact is misleading. 
Also it was phrased in a way that despise others. 

> 3. I see nothing in his words which makes a value judgement about anybody.

Then I recommend you to read again more carefully: 
- That wording is an insult to all people that support a leftist vision of the 
- That wording bashes a position without argument (is bad because is from the 

> I see a censoriousness in your comments which is worrying. Just recently you 
> said, 'Guns have no place in a civilised society', which was certainly a 
> value judgement, specifically about John Pfersich. Please stop.

Using some older discussion as a way to create arguments into a new discussion 
is called “fallacy ad hominem” and is not a good way to defend your arguments.
So, I ask you: Please stop.


> Peter Kenny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pharo-users <> On Behalf Of Sven Van 
> Caekenberghe
> Sent: 20 September 2019 10:11
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <>
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct
>> On 20 Sep 2019, at 06:17, john pfersich <> wrote:
>> I have no interest in supporting a left-wing snowflake “Code of Conduct”. 
> You are violating the implicit rules of engagement in this mailing list: you 
> are going off topic, you are using this platform to talk about politics and 
> you are giving value judgements about others. Please stop.

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