-------- Original Message --------

2016-10-28 14:12 GMT+02:00 Guille Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com <mailto:guillermopol...@gmail.com>>:

    But the functionality is there, it's just that it is not loaded by

    Loading it by default implies wedding Pharo's life cycle with
    OS(Sub)Process' one, and having to maintain the possibility of
    dependencies to OS(Sub)Process spreading in the entire environment.

Like many of the other projects loaded by default in a Pharo image. What is wrong with OSSubprocess or OSProcess so that they can't be treated the same?
The fact that it is done for some projects it does not mean it is good. Moreover, it does not mean either that we can manage it well :). - Just ask Stef the headaches he has every time he has to do a change that crosses many packages and some of them are developed outside the image (do we commit everything to the inbox, or do we commit outside, wait for integration, integrate a configuration, wait until everything is right, not break cyclic dependencies? and so on...). - Or just see what happened with the metacello configurations of the refactoring browser, opal, and so on.

Also, we are starting to see how to move Pharo sources to git, and this means we are looking at how we should design Pharo's repository so we can smoothly collaborate and synchronize repositories using pull requests. For example, these two last week I took some hours to evaluate and exercise myself with git subtrees and submodules. The notes I made from this are here:


What I mean, adding a package inside the image can bring also a lot of problems to package maintainers, so doing it just because "others do it" is not a good argument.

    What is wrong in executing a simple Metacello command to load it?

The fact the image doesn't come as a one download / ready to use for an average user?
What is an average user?

If you mean beginners, I can think of myself using a new language: when I do not know how to do something in some new language, I google for documentation or already done solutions (stack overflow :P). Then I follow instructions if they are not too complicated. And installing a library is inside my box for "not too complicated". I do and did it all the time with maven, sbt, apt-get, npm, and it is for sure not simpler than metacello most of the cases...

If you mean pharo users like you and me, I think then that using Metacello should be a standard practice to manage projects and dependencies.

Now, a nice step in the middle of both worlds would be making sure that OS(Sub)process is in the catalog.


    -------- Original Message --------

    I have a love and hate relationship with Pharo
    this one I will put in the hate category

    You expect people to use pharo when you do not offer
    functionality they come to expect from the language they
    already use and not even offer an altervative, say a library
    with similar command line functionality (See Scale).

    On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 2:59 PM Norbert Hartl
    <norb...@hartl.name <mailto:norb...@hartl.name>>

        > Am 28.10.2016 um 13:17 schrieb Dimitris Chloupis
        <kilon.al...@gmail.com <mailto:kilon.al...@gmail.com>>:


        > I just noticed that OSProcess misses from Pharo 6 image,
        it was supposed to be replaced by OSSubProcess but this not in
        the image either ? What we suppose to use to execute bash from
        inside pharo ?

        It was never in the image. You need to install it in order to
        use it.


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