Stef latching. Known thing. Get over it. Just happens. Grow a thicker skin.

And s/<offensive>//g


On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 9:44 PM, Dimitris Chloupis <>

> Personally I dont mind you being rude to me, I am a lawyer , by profession
> I am thick skinned. Busy ? being there done that. And we all snap from time
> to time and I agree doing is usually more than important that talking , but
> , there is always a BUT.
> In any case I dont want to drag the issue its just I care for Pharo maybe
> not much as you do since I have not invested as much as you have but I do
> think talking is also important it helps people get more confident in being
> part of a community , this in term can lead to motivation to being active
> contributors. When I joined Pharo community I got a lot of encouragement
> from people here for my efforts , it may be talk, but emotionally is very
> important to know that people appreciate your work and respect you as a
> person.
> A small advise from a person that happens to see what having too many
> responsibilities can do to a person, take care yourself because the effects
> of overworking are not immediate , it will get much worse down the road
> unless you make yourself a priority.
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 8:46 PM stepharo <> wrote:
>> About my tone may I ask a question? Yes sometimes I feel irritated. I'm
>> human and I feel irritated.
>> May be you know the trick that some smart manager use to control the
>> length of meetings...
>> I experienced in our team in the past meetings with 18 people and one guy
>> was always talking a lot more than others. And I was always asking myself:
>> does it have conscience that each minute he is taking is in fact 18 min
>> because we could all spend 1 min doing something else.
>> After that I heard about team that have strange clock where the clock is
>> multiplying by the amount of participants.
>> So when I participate to meetings I always think about what is the value
>> that I bring to other time.
>> Now we are all busy, you see some people in our team and outside told me
>> that they do not have the time to follow Pharo mailing-lists because there
>> are too many emails. And we all lose because the insights of such people
>> could be really great.
>> So some alternatives:
>>     - do not care do not read the pharo mailing-list, I would not feel
>> happy with such solution.
>>     - be forced to react when something wrong is said because this is
>> important for everybody. And yes sometimes I'm irritated because I feel
>> forced to say something.I have the impression that not saying anything is a
>> kind of luxury that I do not have.
>>     - have a closed contributors only mailing-list (not good does not
>> feel nice).
>> This license point is key and this is why I reacted. And I reacted that
>> way because I CARE about our system and I CARE about our communitee.
>> Out there, there is Java, Lua, Python, Ruby, Swift, Objective-C and many
>> more. So we should pay attention to our ecosystem and the license
>> is an integral part of it.
>> So sorry to be rude but I'm ***REALLY*** busy. Much more than you can
>> imagine. Even more. And I feel responsible.
>> Stef
>> Le 7/9/16 à 14:40, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
>> Ironically enough "this is our way , take it or leave it" would not work
>> for Pharo because its smalltalk and basically smalltalk by architecture
>> allow you to deeply modify the system from the get go.
>> This make Pharo technically impossible to control from a dictator and
>> committee point of view like lets say Python or Linux. CPython is a single
>> implementation , but with pharo every pharo app is essentially a new pharo
>> implementation.  The moment you modify or extend the pharo image you make a
>> new pharo implementation.
>> I don't like the tone Stef is expressing , he is quite rude and
>> definitely does not represent the tone of the community which far more open
>> to dialogue but he is correct , GPL would never have worked for Pharo.
>> Actually I dont think I have seen a language that is fairly popular under a
>> GPL license.
>> There is of course software under GPL which is sucessful commercially,
>> Blender is an example, but GPL does not cover 3d assets, music and sound.
>> In that case you use another kind of license like creative commons or
>> heavily modify GPL to extend beyond code. So it was definitely not GPL that
>> made Blender popular, actually it caused a problem with game developers
>> because games using the BGE (Blender Game Engine) were at first considered
>> data because the code was packaged inside the blend file which had a binary
>> format so that meant it was not covered by GPL because it considered the
>> whole game code just data (there is a separate executable for loading the
>> game code)  but then Blender decided to change this also to GPL with
>> extending its license and that pretty much killed commercial games made
>> with Blender.
>> So technically you could get away with GPLing Pharo because you could
>> argue that Pharo image is merely data that the VM loads and not real source
>> code, which is kinda correct but it would be messy and the legal
>> interpretation very confusing and uncertain ( leaves a lot of room for
>> legal interpretation ) . As a company you cannot risk this , especially
>> while you expect to make big profit.
>> As stef said GPL is like a virus, it spread anywhere it touches. Even if
>> all you do is add a tiny bit of GPL code inside the Pharo image would turn
>> the entire Pharo implementation including the VM into GPL and because Pharo
>> tries to approach as many companies as possible as most other languages do
>> , because money helps improve the popularity and the quality of the code,
>> MIT is definitely the way to do.
>> So its more a "have to" than a "must to".
>> Also double license or not its kinda pointless, the moment something
>> becomes MIT you can be rest assured that people will pick MIT over GPL.
>> This because you can turn MIT to GPL but you cannot turn GPL to MIT. So
>> even if you want your project GPLed , MIT is still more than enough and of
>> course most people will pick MIT for commercial apps so they don't need to
>> open source their code.
>> So no, it does not matter that Spec is double licensed , or if it is
>> legal that is double licensed , since its active implementation is MIT this
>> all you need to know.
>> So for Pharo and pretty much almost all other programming languages out
>> there who aspire to be used by as many people as possible and play an
>> active role in the software market MIT like license is a mandatory choice.
>> The irony of people not wanting to open source their code but wanting to
>> use open source code. Its this type of thinking that justifies the
>> existence of GPL.
>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 2:59 PM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 07/09/16 13:39, stepharo wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> We should not have "The Pharo Way" (TM) or "No way!"... suddenly
>>> >> Markus talk about feedback loops comes to mind, particularly the
>>> >> slide on page 53, regarding "An open source smalltalk ignoring all
>>> >> community contributions"[2]. This is far for being the case in this
>>> >> community and we can keep that scenario at safe distance, if we show
>>> >> options. So, dual license is an option, git is an option, markdown is
>>> >> an option. Pharo as a place with options is one where Pharo can
>>> >> fulfill its vision for more people. Let's make these options visible
>>> >> and figure out the way the work better for a wider community.
>>> > It is amazing how you like talking.
>>> >
>>> Yes. I like. Is the way to know unwritten history. Not all the people in
>>> the community know the details as you do, so talking is the way of going
>>> out of misconceptions, like mine about dual license or state positions,
>>> like why I don't use Pillar. The "it has been discussed, this is our
>>> way, take or leave it" doesn't help in understanding way. So yes, I'm
>>> all about encouraging dialog/talk if it helps to understand.
>>> Bye,
>>> Offray

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