yeap NBOpenGL relied on NativeBoost and our new FFI is UFFI so that means
that NBOpenGL does no longer work and there are no plans to make it work at
least for now. The problem is that Nativeboost was doing machine code stuff
that were difficult to maintain and so it does low level stuff with

UFFI however is very similar to Nativeboost, so porting OpenGL to it is
certainly much easier than rewriting the whole wrapper. Obviously OpenGL
being huge wont be a walk in the park , however the good news is that
NBOpenGL was automating the process with auto generating wrappers.

If you wish you can do the porting to UFFI and Esteban will be willing to
answer questions oh how can make it work. Esteban is the man behind UFFI
and our full time dev of Pharo.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 2:23 PM Thibault Raffaillac <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to do a bit of OpenGL in Pharo, but it does not seem to work
> at the moment.
> Tried NBOpenGL with a spur image (50560):
> _ fails at installation from configuration browser (need to click again on
> installing to get all classes)
> _ demo "GLTTRenderingDemo new openInWorld" fails at NBGLContextDriver with
> error "No suitable implementation found for initializing OpenGL context for
> your platform" (running on a Mac)
> Tried with a pre-spur image (50496):
> _ same weirdness at installation
> _ demo fails at NBGLCurveRenderer with "MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of
> on: is nil"
> Is there a working demo available out there? I have worked a lot with
> OpenGL ES 2.0 and could definitely provide work on the topic.
> Cheers,
> Thibault

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