On 26 Feb 2014, at 11:30, Robert Shiplett <grshipl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "BTW, Nautilus is stable and used daily by the whole community."
> This still rankles ... I have been a Smalltalker since long before Squeak and 
> have been using Pharo since Seaside first ran on it - if not earlier than 
> that ...
> I also received from another on the mail list
> "and in fact I cannot reproduce it."
> "And in fact" is such a wicked rhetorical move ... in a game I have lost all 
> interest in playing now that I am retired.

it is not. 
it was just saying that I tried your problem and I could not reproduce it. It 
was not to been rethorical or anything, just pointing a fact. 
I’m interested (and is also my job) on having the best and stable version of 
Pharo possible. 
I’m so interested that I was at 10min from leaving a my house to take an 10h 
fly and I sit to try to reproduce your problem. 
So, please… do not misinterpret the contents of the mail. It was an attempt to 
have an understanding of the problem, in an effort to help.
An effort, btw, that sometimes is not easy, because we do not have all the 
elements to make the diagnostic… 

> It may take me a lot of effort to track these 2 bugs down as far as "Follow 
> these steps to reproduce" .. but then I am not a CONSORTIUM member ( I used 
> to pay big bucks for Smalltalk, back in the day ) so may be I am too far 
> outside the "whole community".... btw.

The community is here. In this list. Around the list. 
Consortium is for companies willing to contribute with some money support (and 
so is the association for individuals), because things cost effort and effort 
implies time and time implies money. 
We always try to solve the problems of everybody (we, the community, including 
yourself), because that’s the best for all… so do not put yourself outside in a 
way we never say/act/even think about. 
We want to help you. 

> I will spare you my plot's view of the term "stable" and the notion of 
> stability ... and will be sure I rename key files as I go along ... [ why are 
> we still having to rename files such as these when able to run multiple 
> images in the same dir ? ]

Your pov about stability can be ok. What is not ok is such amount of negativity 
over a simple fact: we has not been able to reproduce your problem (but you 
avoid the other obvious fact: we tried to reproduce it. So we did not ignored 

Again, I try to help, as everybody in the community… but such a negative 
over-reaction is probably just compared to my own overeacted answer :)


> ciao
> On 26 February 2014 04:36, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2014, at 01:57, Robert Shiplett <grshipl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am running from that latest.zip tonight and PackageTreeNautilusUI 
> > >>update is getting a walkback messageNoUnderstood for
> > receiver of >>protocolsFor: is nil
> >
> > I simply flipped to class view in Announcements and then flipped that 
> > toggle back.
> >
> > Does this need to be reported, or is Nautilus still known to be unstable ?
> I can't reproduce this either, please be more specific.
> BTW, Nautilus is stable and used daily by the whole community. Of course, it 
> is a complex piece of code with lots of UI and system interactions, so issues 
> are always possible.
> Sven

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