On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 08:41:32AM +0900, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
>> Can someone describe a scenario where this (name of the binary not
>> clearly indicating it's related postgres) causes issues in practice? On
>> my system, there are ~1400 binaries in /usr/bin, and for the vast
>> majority of them it's rather unclear where do they come from.

Naming conflict because our binary names are too generic?  createdb
could for example be applied to any database, and not only Postgres.
(I have 1600 entries in /usr/bin on a Debian installation.)

>> But it's not really an issue, because we have tools to do that
>> 1) man
>> 2) -h/--help
>> 3) rpm -qf $file (and similarly for other packagers)
>> 4) set --prefix to install binaries so separate directory (which some
>> distros already do anyway)
>> So to me this seems like a fairly invasive change (potentially breaking
>> quite a few scripts/tools) just to address a minor inconvenience.
> +1.

Yes, +1.

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