Andreas Karlsson <> writes:
> On 3/21/19 7:07 AM, Chris Travers wrote:
>> 1.  createuser/dropuser are things that I don't consider good ways of 
>> creating users anyway.

> Those binaries are pretty convenient to use in scripts since they handle 
> SQL escaping for you, but probably not convenient enough that we would 
> have added createuser today.

> Compare
> createuser "$USER"
> vs
> echo 'CREATE ROLE :"user" LOGIN' | psql postgres -v "user=$USER"

Hmm.  That example is actually quite scary, because while nearly
anybody who's ever done any shell scripting would get the first
one right, the second one requires a fair deal of specialized
knowledge and creativity.  I fear that 99% of people would have
coded it like

        echo "CREATE USER $USER" | psql

or some variant on that, and now they have a SQL-injection
hazard that they didn't have before.

So there seems like a real risk that taking away createuser would
result in security holes, not just annoying-but-trivial script update
work.  That puts me more in the camp of "if we're going to do anything,
rename it with a pg_ prefix" than "if we're going to do anything,
remove it".

                        regards, tom lane

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