On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 10:01 PM Corey Huinker <corey.huin...@gmail.com>

> +--- error: relation is wrong type
>> +SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
>> +        'relation', 0::oid,
>> +        'relpages', 17::integer,
>> +        'reltuples', 400.0::real,
>> +        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
>> Why do you need to specify all the stats (relpages, reltuples, etc)?
>> To exercise this you could just do:
>> select pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats('relation', 0::oid);
> In the above case, it's historical inertia in that the pg_set_* call
> required all those parameters, as well as a fear that the code - now or in
> the future - might evaluate "can anything actually change from this call"
> and short circuit out before actually trying to make sense of the reg_class
> oid. But we can assuage that fear with just one of the three stat
> parameters, and I'll adjust accordingly.

* reduced relstats parameters specified to the minimum needed to verify the
error and avoid a theoretical future logic short-circuit described above.
* version parameter usage reduced to absolute minimum - verifying that it
is accepted and ignored, though Melanie's patch may introduce a need to
bring it back in a place or two.

84 lines deleted. Not great, not terrible.

I suppose if we really trusted the TAP test databases to have "one of
everything" in terms of tables with all the datatypes, and sufficient rows
to generate interesting stats, plus some indexes of each, then we could get
rid of those two, but I feel very strongly that it would be a minor savings
at a major cost to clarity.
From d0dfca62eb8ce27fb4bfce77bd2ee835738899a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Corey Huinker <corey.huin...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:02:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH v2] Organize and deduplicate statistics import tests.

Many changes, refactorings, and rebasings have taken their toll on the
statistics import tests. Now that things appear more stable and the
pg_set_* functions are gone in favor of using pg_restore_* in all cases,
it's safe to remove duplicates, combine tests where possible, and make
the test descriptions a bit more descriptive and uniform.

Additionally, parameters that were not strictly needed to demonstrate
the purpose(s) of a test were removed to reduce clutter.
 src/test/regress/expected/stats_import.out | 680 ++++++++-------------
 src/test/regress/sql/stats_import.sql      | 554 +++++++----------
 2 files changed, 466 insertions(+), 768 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/stats_import.out b/src/test/regress/expected/stats_import.out
index 1f150f7b08d..7bd7bfb3e7b 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/stats_import.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/stats_import.out
@@ -13,19 +13,48 @@ CREATE TABLE stats_import.test(
     tags text[]
 ) WITH (autovacuum_enabled = false);
 CREATE INDEX test_i ON stats_import.test(id);
+-- relstats tests
+--- error: relation is wrong type
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 0::oid,
+        'relpages', 17::integer);
+WARNING:  argument "relation" has type "oid", expected type "regclass"
+ERROR:  "relation" cannot be NULL
+-- error: relation not found
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 0::oid::regclass,
+        'relpages', 17::integer);
+ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 0
+-- error: odd number of variadic arguments cannot be pairs
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+        'relallvisible');
+ERROR:  variadic arguments must be name/value pairs
+HINT:  Provide an even number of variadic arguments that can be divided into pairs.
+-- error: argument name is NULL
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+        NULL, '17'::integer);
+ERROR:  name at variadic position 3 is NULL
+-- error: argument name is not a text type
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
+        17, '17'::integer);
+ERROR:  name at variadic position 3 has type "integer", expected type "text"
 -- starting stats
 SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
-WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass;
  relpages | reltuples | relallvisible 
-        0 |        -1 |             0
+        1 |         0 |             0
 (1 row)
 -- regular indexes have special case locking rules
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass,
         'relpages', 18::integer);
@@ -50,32 +79,6 @@ WHERE relation = 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass AND
 (1 row)
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 19::integer );
- pg_restore_relation_stats 
- t
-(1 row)
--- clear
-    pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
-        'stats_import.test'::regclass);
- pg_clear_relation_stats 
-(1 row)
-SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
-FROM pg_class
-WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
- relpages | reltuples | relallvisible 
-        0 |        -1 |             0
-(1 row)
 --  relpages may be -1 for partitioned tables
 CREATE TABLE stats_import.part_parent ( i integer ) PARTITION BY RANGE(i);
 CREATE TABLE stats_import.part_child_1
@@ -92,26 +95,6 @@ WHERE oid = 'stats_import.part_parent'::regclass;
 (1 row)
--- although partitioned tables have no storage, setting relpages to a
--- positive value is still allowed
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 2::integer);
- pg_restore_relation_stats 
- t
-(1 row)
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 2::integer);
- pg_restore_relation_stats 
- t
-(1 row)
 -- Partitioned indexes aren't analyzed but it is possible to set
 -- stats. The locking rules are different from normal indexes due to
@@ -119,8 +102,7 @@ SELECT
 -- partitioned index are locked in ShareUpdateExclusive mode.
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass,
         'relpages', 2::integer);
@@ -145,30 +127,19 @@ WHERE relation = 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass AND
 (1 row)
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 2::integer);
- pg_restore_relation_stats 
- t
+SELECT relpages
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass;
+ relpages 
+        2
 (1 row)
--- nothing stops us from setting it to -1
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent'::regclass,
-        'relpages', -1::integer);
- pg_restore_relation_stats 
- t
-(1 row)
--- ok: set all stats
+-- ok: set all relstats, with version, no bounds checking
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
         'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
+        'relpages', '-17'::integer,
         'reltuples', 400::real,
         'relallvisible', 4::integer);
@@ -181,13 +152,12 @@ FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
  relpages | reltuples | relallvisible 
-       17 |       400 |             4
+      -17 |       400 |             4
 (1 row)
--- ok: just relpages
+-- ok: set just relpages, rest stay same
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'relpages', '16'::integer);
@@ -202,10 +172,9 @@ WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
        16 |       400 |             4
 (1 row)
--- ok: just reltuples
+-- ok: set just reltuples, rest stay same
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'reltuples', '500'::real);
@@ -220,10 +189,9 @@ WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
        16 |       500 |             4
 (1 row)
--- ok: just relallvisible
+-- ok: set just relallvisible, rest stay same
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'relallvisible', 5::integer);
@@ -238,10 +206,9 @@ WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
        16 |       500 |             5
 (1 row)
--- warn: bad relpages type
+-- warn: bad relpages type, rest updated
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'relpages', 'nope'::text,
         'reltuples', 400.0::real,
         'relallvisible', 4::integer);
@@ -259,20 +226,128 @@ WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
        16 |       400 |             4
 (1 row)
+-- unrecognized argument name, rest ok
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+        'relpages', '171'::integer,
+        'nope', 10::integer);
+WARNING:  unrecognized argument name: "nope"
+ pg_restore_relation_stats 
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
+ relpages | reltuples | relallvisible 
+      171 |       400 |             4
+(1 row)
+-- ok: clear stats
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
+    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass);
+ pg_clear_relation_stats 
+(1 row)
+SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
+ relpages | reltuples | relallvisible 
+        0 |        -1 |             0
+(1 row)
 -- invalid relkinds for statistics
 CREATE SEQUENCE stats_import.testseq;
-CREATE VIEW stats_import.testview AS SELECT * FROM stats_import.test;
-    pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.testseq'::regclass);
+ERROR:  cannot modify statistics for relation "testseq"
+DETAIL:  This operation is not supported for sequences.
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
 ERROR:  cannot modify statistics for relation "testseq"
 DETAIL:  This operation is not supported for sequences.
-    pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
+CREATE VIEW stats_import.testview AS SELECT * FROM stats_import.test;
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.testview'::regclass);
+ERROR:  cannot modify statistics for relation "testview"
+DETAIL:  This operation is not supported for views.
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
 ERROR:  cannot modify statistics for relation "testview"
 DETAIL:  This operation is not supported for views.
--- ok: no stakinds
+-- attribute stats
+-- error: object does not exist
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 0
+-- error: relation null
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', NULL::oid::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  "relation" cannot be NULL
+-- error: NULL attname
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', NULL::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  must specify either attname or attnum
+-- error: attname doesn't exist
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'nope'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
+    'avg_width', 2::integer,
+    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
+ERROR:  column "nope" of relation "test" does not exist
+-- error: both attname and attnum
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'attnum', 1::smallint,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  cannot specify both attname and attnum
+-- error: neither attname nor attnum
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  must specify either attname or attnum
+-- error: attribute is system column
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'xmin'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  cannot modify statistics on system column "xmin"
+-- error: inherited null
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'inherited', NULL::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+ERROR:  "inherited" cannot be NULL
+-- error: attribute is system column
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
+    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    attname => 'ctid'::name,
+    inherited => false::boolean);
+ERROR:  cannot clear statistics on system column "ctid"
+-- ok: just the fixed values, with version, no stakinds
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
@@ -297,15 +372,16 @@ AND attname = 'id';
  stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.2 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- ok: restore by attnum
+-- ok: restore by attnum, we normally reserve this for
+-- indexes, but there is no reason it shouldn't work
+-- for any stat-having relation.
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attnum', 1::smallint,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.4::real,
-    'avg_width', 5::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.6::real);
+    'null_frac', 0.4::real);
@@ -322,14 +398,12 @@ AND attname = 'id';
  stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.4 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: unrecognized argument name
+-- warn: unrecognized argument name, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
     'null_frac', 0.2::real,
-    'avg_width', NULL::integer,
     'nope', 0.5::real);
 WARNING:  unrecognized argument name: "nope"
@@ -348,15 +422,12 @@ AND attname = 'id';
  stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.2 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 1
+-- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 1, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.6::real,
-    'avg_width', 7::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.7::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.21::real,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.1,0.2,0.3}'::real[]
 WARNING:  "most_common_vals" must be specified when "most_common_freqs" is specified
@@ -373,18 +444,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.6 |         7 |       -0.7 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.21 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 2
+-- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 2, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.7::real,
-    'avg_width', 8::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.8::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.21::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{1,2,3}'::text
 WARNING:  "most_common_freqs" must be specified when "most_common_vals" is specified
@@ -401,18 +469,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.7 |         8 |       -0.8 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.21 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: mcv / mcf type mismatch
+-- warn: mcf type mismatch, mcv-pair fails, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.8::real,
-    'avg_width', 9::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.9::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.22::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{2,1,3}'::text,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.2,0.1}'::double precision[]
@@ -431,18 +496,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.8 |         9 |       -0.9 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.22 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: mcv cast failure
+-- warn: mcv cast failure, mcv-pair fails, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.9::real,
-    'avg_width', 10::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.4::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.23::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{2,four,3}'::text,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[]
@@ -460,7 +522,7 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.9 |        10 |       -0.4 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.23 |         5 |        0.6 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
 -- ok: mcv+mcf
@@ -468,10 +530,6 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 1::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{2,1,3}'::text,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[]
@@ -488,18 +546,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.1 |         1 |       -0.1 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.23 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: NULL in histogram array
+-- warn: NULL in histogram array, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.2::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.2::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.24::real,
     'histogram_bounds', '{1,NULL,3,4}'::text
 WARNING:  "histogram_bounds" array cannot contain NULL values
@@ -516,7 +571,7 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.2 |         2 |       -0.2 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.24 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
 -- ok: histogram_bounds
@@ -524,11 +579,8 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.3::real,
-    'avg_width', 3::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.3::real,
-    'histogram_bounds', '{1,2,3,4}'::text );
+    'histogram_bounds', '{1,2,3,4}'::text
+    );
@@ -542,19 +594,16 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.3 |         3 |       -0.3 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.24 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: elem_count_histogram null element
+-- warn: elem_count_histogram null element, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.4::real,
-    'avg_width', 5::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.4::real,
-    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,NULL,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
+    'null_frac', 0.25::real,
+    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,NULL,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
 WARNING:  "elem_count_histogram" array cannot contain NULL values
@@ -570,7 +619,7 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |       0.4 |         5 |       -0.4 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |      0.25 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
 -- ok: elem_count_histogram
@@ -578,10 +627,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 6::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.55::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.26::real,
     'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
@@ -597,18 +643,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs |                                                                                            elem_count_histogram                                                                                             | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |       0.5 |         6 |      -0.55 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |      0.26 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- range stats on a scalar type
+-- warn: range stats on a scalar type, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.6::real,
-    'avg_width', 7::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.15::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.27::real,
     'range_empty_frac', 0.5::real,
     'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text
@@ -627,18 +670,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.6 |         7 |      -0.15 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.27 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch
+-- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.7::real,
-    'avg_width', 8::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.25::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.28::real,
     'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text
 WARNING:  "range_empty_frac" must be specified when "range_length_histogram" is specified
@@ -655,18 +695,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |       0.7 |         8 |      -0.25 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |      0.28 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch part 2
+-- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch part 2, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.8::real,
-    'avg_width', 9::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.35::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.29::real,
     'range_empty_frac', 0.5::real
 WARNING:  "range_length_histogram" must be specified when "range_empty_frac" is specified
@@ -683,7 +720,7 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |       0.8 |         9 |      -0.35 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |      0.29 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
 -- ok: range_empty_frac + range_length_hist
@@ -691,10 +728,6 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.9::real,
-    'avg_width', 1::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.19::real,
     'range_empty_frac', 0.5::real,
     'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text
@@ -711,18 +744,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |       0.9 |         1 |      -0.19 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |              0.5 | 
+ stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |      0.29 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |              0.5 | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: range bounds histogram on scalar
+-- warn: range bounds histogram on scalar, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.29::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.31::real,
     'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text
 WARNING:  attribute "id" is not a range type
@@ -740,7 +770,7 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.1 |         2 |      -0.29 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.31 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
 -- ok: range_bounds_histogram
@@ -748,10 +778,6 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.2::real,
-    'avg_width', 3::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.39::real,
     'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text
@@ -767,26 +793,17 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac |        range_bounds_histogram        
- stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |       0.2 |         3 |      -0.39 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |              0.5 | {"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}
+ stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |      0.29 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |              0.5 | {"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}
 (1 row)
--- warn: cannot set most_common_elems for range type
+-- warn: cannot set most_common_elems for range type, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
-    'most_common_vals', '{"[2,3)","[1,2)","[3,4)"}'::text,
-    'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[],
-    'histogram_bounds', '{"[1,2)","[2,3)","[3,4)","[4,5)"}'::text,
-    'correlation', 1.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.32::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{3,1}'::text,
-    'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[],
-    'range_empty_frac', -0.5::real,
-    'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text,
-    'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text
+    'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[]
 WARNING:  unable to determine element type of attribute "arange"
@@ -801,19 +818,17 @@ WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
 AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
-  schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct |     most_common_vals      | most_common_freqs |         histogram_bounds          | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac |        range_bounds_histogram        
- stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |       0.5 |         2 |       -0.1 | {"[2,3)","[1,2)","[3,4)"} | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {"[1,2)","[2,3)","[3,4)","[4,5)"} |         1.1 |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |             -0.5 | {"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}
+  schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac |        range_bounds_histogram        
+ stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |      0.32 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |              0.5 | {"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}
 (1 row)
--- warn: scalars can't have mcelem
+-- warn: scalars can't have mcelem, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.33::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{1,3}'::text,
     'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[]
@@ -832,17 +847,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.5 |         2 |       -0.1 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.33 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: mcelem / mcelem mismatch
+-- warn: mcelem / mcelem mismatch, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.34::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{one,two}'::text
 WARNING:  "most_common_elem_freqs" must be specified when "most_common_elems" is specified
@@ -859,17 +872,15 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs |                                                                                            elem_count_histogram                                                                                             | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |       0.5 |         2 |       -0.1 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |      0.34 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: mcelem / mcelem null mismatch part 2
+-- warn: mcelem / mcelem null mismatch part 2, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.35::real,
     'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3}'::real[]
 WARNING:  "most_common_elems" must be specified when "most_common_elem_freqs" is specified
@@ -878,14 +889,22 @@ WARNING:  "most_common_elems" must be specified when "most_common_elem_freqs" is
 (1 row)
+FROM pg_stats
+WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
+AND tablename = 'test'
+AND inherited = false
+AND attname = 'tags';
+  schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs |                                                                                            elem_count_histogram                                                                                             | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
+ stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |      0.35 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             |                   |                        | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
+(1 row)
 -- ok: mcelem
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{one,three}'::text,
     'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[]
@@ -902,18 +921,16 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs |                                                                                            elem_count_histogram                                                                                             | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |       0.5 |         2 |       -0.1 |                  |                   |                  |             | {one,three}       | {0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0}    | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
+ stats_import | test      | tags    | f         |      0.35 |         0 |          0 |                  |                   |                  |             | {one,three}       | {0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0}    | {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
--- warn: scalars can't have elem_count_histogram
+-- warn: scalars can't have elem_count_histogram, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
-    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
+    'null_frac', 0.36::real,
+    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
 WARNING:  unable to determine element type of attribute "id"
@@ -930,43 +947,7 @@ AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
   schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac | range_bounds_histogram 
- stats_import | test      | id      | f         |       0.5 |         2 |       -0.1 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
-(1 row)
--- warn: too many stat kinds
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'arange'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
-    'most_common_vals', '{"[2,3)","[1,3)","[3,9)"}'::text,
-    'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[],
-    'histogram_bounds', '{"[1,2)","[2,3)","[3,4)","[4,)"}'::text,
-    'correlation', 1.1::real,
-    'most_common_elems', '{3,1}'::text,
-    'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[],
-    'range_empty_frac', -0.5::real,
-    'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text,
-    'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text);
-WARNING:  unable to determine element type of attribute "arange"
- pg_restore_attribute_stats 
- f
-(1 row)
-FROM pg_stats
-WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
-AND tablename = 'test'
-AND inherited = false
-AND attname = 'arange';
-  schemaname  | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct |     most_common_vals      | most_common_freqs |         histogram_bounds         | correlation | most_common_elems | most_common_elem_freqs | elem_count_histogram | range_length_histogram | range_empty_frac |        range_bounds_histogram        
- stats_import | test      | arange  | f         |       0.5 |         2 |       -0.1 | {"[2,3)","[1,3)","[3,9)"} | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {"[1,2)","[2,3)","[3,4)","[4,)"} |         1.1 |                   |                        |                      | {399,499,Infinity}     |             -0.5 | {"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}
+ stats_import | test      | id      | f         |      0.36 |         5 |        0.6 | {2,1,3}          | {0.3,0.25,0.05}   | {1,2,3,4}        |             |                   |                        |                      |                        |                  | 
 (1 row)
@@ -986,19 +967,6 @@ SELECT 3, 'tre', (3, 3.3, 'TRE', '2003-03-03', NULL)::stats_import.complex_type,
 SELECT 4, 'four', NULL, int4range(0,100), NULL;
 CREATE INDEX is_odd ON stats_import.test(((comp).a % 2 = 1));
--- restoring stats on index
-SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.is_odd'::regclass,
-    'version', '180000'::integer,
-    'relpages', '11'::integer,
-    'reltuples', '10000'::real,
-    'relallvisible', '0'::integer
- pg_restore_relation_stats 
- t
-(1 row)
 -- Generate statistics on table with data
 ANALYZE stats_import.test;
 CREATE TABLE stats_import.test_clone ( LIKE stats_import.test )
@@ -1176,7 +1144,18 @@ WHERE s.starelid = 'stats_import.is_odd'::regclass;
 (0 rows)
--- ok
+-- attribute stats exist before a clear, but not after
+FROM pg_stats
+WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
+AND tablename = 'test'
+AND inherited = false
+AND attname = 'arange';
+ count 
+     1
+(1 row)
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
     relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     attname => 'arange'::name,
@@ -1186,154 +1165,17 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
 (1 row)
--- Negative tests
---- error: relation is wrong type
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 0::oid,
-        'relpages', 17::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400.0::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
-WARNING:  argument "relation" has type "oid", expected type "regclass"
-ERROR:  "relation" cannot be NULL
---- error: relation not found
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 0::regclass,
-        'relpages', 17::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400.0::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
-ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 0
--- warn and error: unrecognized argument name
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'nope', 4::integer);
-WARNING:  unrecognized argument name: "nope"
-ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 0
--- error: argument name is NULL
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        NULL, '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
-ERROR:  name at variadic position 5 is NULL
--- error: argument name is an integer
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        17, '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
-ERROR:  name at variadic position 5 has type "integer", expected type "text"
--- error: odd number of variadic arguments cannot be pairs
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible');
-ERROR:  variadic arguments must be name/value pairs
-HINT:  Provide an even number of variadic arguments that can be divided into pairs.
--- error: object doesn't exist
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
-ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 0
--- error: object does not exist
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 0
--- error: relation null
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', NULL::oid,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  "relation" cannot be NULL
--- error: missing attname
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', NULL::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  must specify either attname or attnum
--- error: both attname and attnum
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'attnum', 1::smallint,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  cannot specify both attname and attnum
--- error: attname doesn't exist
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'nope'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  column "nope" of relation "test" does not exist
--- error: attribute is system column
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'xmin'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  cannot modify statistics on system column "xmin"
--- error: inherited null
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'inherited', NULL::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
-ERROR:  "inherited" cannot be NULL
--- error: relation not found
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
-    relation => 'stats_import.nope'::regclass);
-ERROR:  relation "stats_import.nope" does not exist
-LINE 2:     relation => 'stats_import.nope'::regclass);
-                        ^
--- error: attribute is system column
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
-    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    attname => 'ctid'::name,
-    inherited => false::boolean);
-ERROR:  cannot clear statistics on system column "ctid"
--- error: attname doesn't exist
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
-    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    attname => 'nope'::name,
-    inherited => false::boolean);
-ERROR:  column "nope" of relation "test" does not exist
+FROM pg_stats
+WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
+AND tablename = 'test'
+AND inherited = false
+AND attname = 'arange';
+ count 
+     0
+(1 row)
 DROP SCHEMA stats_import CASCADE;
 NOTICE:  drop cascades to 6 other objects
 DETAIL:  drop cascades to type stats_import.complex_type
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/stats_import.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/stats_import.sql
index 8c183bceb8a..7b2c7d6617f 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/stats_import.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/stats_import.sql
@@ -17,15 +17,43 @@ CREATE TABLE stats_import.test(
 CREATE INDEX test_i ON stats_import.test(id);
+-- relstats tests
+--- error: relation is wrong type
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 0::oid,
+        'relpages', 17::integer);
+-- error: relation not found
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 0::oid::regclass,
+        'relpages', 17::integer);
+-- error: odd number of variadic arguments cannot be pairs
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+        'relallvisible');
+-- error: argument name is NULL
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+        NULL, '17'::integer);
+-- error: argument name is not a text type
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
+        17, '17'::integer);
 -- starting stats
 SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
-WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass;
 -- regular indexes have special case locking rules
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass,
         'relpages', 18::integer);
@@ -39,20 +67,6 @@ WHERE relation = 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass AND
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.test_i'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 19::integer );
--- clear
-    pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
-        'stats_import.test'::regclass);
-SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
-FROM pg_class
-WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
 --  relpages may be -1 for partitioned tables
 CREATE TABLE stats_import.part_parent ( i integer ) PARTITION BY RANGE(i);
 CREATE TABLE stats_import.part_child_1
@@ -68,18 +82,6 @@ SELECT relpages
 FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.part_parent'::regclass;
--- although partitioned tables have no storage, setting relpages to a
--- positive value is still allowed
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 2::integer);
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 2::integer);
 -- Partitioned indexes aren't analyzed but it is possible to set
 -- stats. The locking rules are different from normal indexes due to
@@ -88,8 +90,7 @@ SELECT
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass,
         'relpages', 2::integer);
@@ -103,22 +104,15 @@ WHERE relation = 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass AND
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass,
-        'relpages', 2::integer);
+SELECT relpages
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.part_parent_i'::regclass;
--- nothing stops us from setting it to -1
-    pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 'stats_import.part_parent'::regclass,
-        'relpages', -1::integer);
--- ok: set all stats
+-- ok: set all relstats, with version, no bounds checking
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
         'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
+        'relpages', '-17'::integer,
         'reltuples', 400::real,
         'relallvisible', 4::integer);
@@ -126,40 +120,36 @@ SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
--- ok: just relpages
+-- ok: set just relpages, rest stay same
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'relpages', '16'::integer);
 SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
--- ok: just reltuples
+-- ok: set just reltuples, rest stay same
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'reltuples', '500'::real);
 SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
--- ok: just relallvisible
+-- ok: set just relallvisible, rest stay same
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'relallvisible', 5::integer);
 SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
--- warn: bad relpages type
+-- warn: bad relpages type, rest updated
 SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
         'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
         'relpages', 'nope'::text,
         'reltuples', 400.0::real,
         'relallvisible', 4::integer);
@@ -168,17 +158,110 @@ SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
 FROM pg_class
 WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
+-- unrecognized argument name, rest ok
+SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+        'relpages', '171'::integer,
+        'nope', 10::integer);
+SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
+-- ok: clear stats
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
+    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass);
+SELECT relpages, reltuples, relallvisible
+FROM pg_class
+WHERE oid = 'stats_import.test'::regclass;
 -- invalid relkinds for statistics
 CREATE SEQUENCE stats_import.testseq;
-CREATE VIEW stats_import.testview AS SELECT * FROM stats_import.test;
-    pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.testseq'::regclass);
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
-    pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
+CREATE VIEW stats_import.testview AS SELECT * FROM stats_import.test;
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 'stats_import.testview'::regclass);
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
--- ok: no stakinds
+-- attribute stats
+-- error: object does not exist
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: relation null
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', NULL::oid::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: NULL attname
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', NULL::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: attname doesn't exist
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'nope'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
+    'avg_width', 2::integer,
+    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
+-- error: both attname and attnum
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'attnum', 1::smallint,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: neither attname nor attnum
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: attribute is system column
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'xmin'::name,
+    'inherited', false::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: inherited null
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
+    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    'attname', 'id'::name,
+    'inherited', NULL::boolean,
+    'null_frac', 0.1::real);
+-- error: attribute is system column
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
+    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
+    attname => 'ctid'::name,
+    inherited => false::boolean);
+-- ok: just the fixed values, with version, no stakinds
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
@@ -195,15 +278,16 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- ok: restore by attnum
+-- ok: restore by attnum, we normally reserve this for
+-- indexes, but there is no reason it shouldn't work
+-- for any stat-having relation.
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attnum', 1::smallint,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.4::real,
-    'avg_width', 5::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.6::real);
+    'null_frac', 0.4::real);
 FROM pg_stats
@@ -212,14 +296,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: unrecognized argument name
+-- warn: unrecognized argument name, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
     'null_frac', 0.2::real,
-    'avg_width', NULL::integer,
     'nope', 0.5::real);
@@ -229,15 +311,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 1
+-- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 1, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.6::real,
-    'avg_width', 7::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.7::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.21::real,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.1,0.2,0.3}'::real[]
@@ -248,15 +327,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 2
+-- warn: mcv / mcf null mismatch part 2, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.7::real,
-    'avg_width', 8::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.8::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.21::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{1,2,3}'::text
@@ -267,15 +343,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: mcv / mcf type mismatch
+-- warn: mcf type mismatch, mcv-pair fails, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.8::real,
-    'avg_width', 9::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.9::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.22::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{2,1,3}'::text,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.2,0.1}'::double precision[]
@@ -287,15 +360,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: mcv cast failure
+-- warn: mcv cast failure, mcv-pair fails, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.9::real,
-    'avg_width', 10::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.4::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.23::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{2,four,3}'::text,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[]
@@ -312,10 +382,6 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 1::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
     'most_common_vals', '{2,1,3}'::text,
     'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[]
@@ -327,15 +393,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: NULL in histogram array
+-- warn: NULL in histogram array, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.2::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.2::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.24::real,
     'histogram_bounds', '{1,NULL,3,4}'::text
@@ -351,11 +414,8 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.3::real,
-    'avg_width', 3::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.3::real,
-    'histogram_bounds', '{1,2,3,4}'::text );
+    'histogram_bounds', '{1,2,3,4}'::text
+    );
 FROM pg_stats
@@ -364,16 +424,13 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: elem_count_histogram null element
+-- warn: elem_count_histogram null element, rest get set
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.4::real,
-    'avg_width', 5::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.4::real,
-    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,NULL,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
+    'null_frac', 0.25::real,
+    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,NULL,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
@@ -388,10 +445,7 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 6::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.55::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.26::real,
     'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
@@ -402,15 +456,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
--- range stats on a scalar type
+-- warn: range stats on a scalar type, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.6::real,
-    'avg_width', 7::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.15::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.27::real,
     'range_empty_frac', 0.5::real,
     'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text
@@ -422,15 +473,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch
+-- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.7::real,
-    'avg_width', 8::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.25::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.28::real,
     'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text
@@ -441,15 +489,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
--- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch part 2
+-- warn: range_empty_frac range_length_hist null mismatch part 2, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.8::real,
-    'avg_width', 9::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.35::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.29::real,
     'range_empty_frac', 0.5::real
@@ -465,10 +510,6 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.9::real,
-    'avg_width', 1::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.19::real,
     'range_empty_frac', 0.5::real,
     'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text
@@ -480,15 +521,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
--- warn: range bounds histogram on scalar
+-- warn: range bounds histogram on scalar, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.29::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.31::real,
     'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text
@@ -504,10 +542,6 @@ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.2::real,
-    'avg_width', 3::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.39::real,
     'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text
@@ -518,23 +552,14 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
--- warn: cannot set most_common_elems for range type
+-- warn: cannot set most_common_elems for range type, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'arange'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
-    'most_common_vals', '{"[2,3)","[1,2)","[3,4)"}'::text,
-    'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[],
-    'histogram_bounds', '{"[1,2)","[2,3)","[3,4)","[4,5)"}'::text,
-    'correlation', 1.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.32::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{3,1}'::text,
-    'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[],
-    'range_empty_frac', -0.5::real,
-    'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text,
-    'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text
+    'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[]
@@ -544,14 +569,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'arange';
--- warn: scalars can't have mcelem
+-- warn: scalars can't have mcelem, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.33::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{1,3}'::text,
     'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[]
@@ -563,14 +586,12 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: mcelem / mcelem mismatch
+-- warn: mcelem / mcelem mismatch, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.34::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{one,two}'::text
@@ -581,25 +602,27 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
--- warn: mcelem / mcelem null mismatch part 2
+-- warn: mcelem / mcelem null mismatch part 2, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
+    'null_frac', 0.35::real,
     'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3}'::real[]
+FROM pg_stats
+WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
+AND tablename = 'test'
+AND inherited = false
+AND attname = 'tags';
 -- ok: mcelem
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'tags'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
     'most_common_elems', '{one,three}'::text,
     'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[]
@@ -611,15 +634,13 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'tags';
--- warn: scalars can't have elem_count_histogram
+-- warn: scalars can't have elem_count_histogram, rest ok
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
     'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     'attname', 'id'::name,
     'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
-    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
+    'null_frac', 0.36::real,
+    'elem_count_histogram', '{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}'::real[]
@@ -629,32 +650,6 @@ AND tablename = 'test'
 AND inherited = false
 AND attname = 'id';
--- warn: too many stat kinds
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'arange'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.5::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', -0.1::real,
-    'most_common_vals', '{"[2,3)","[1,3)","[3,9)"}'::text,
-    'most_common_freqs', '{0.3,0.25,0.05}'::real[],
-    'histogram_bounds', '{"[1,2)","[2,3)","[3,4)","[4,)"}'::text,
-    'correlation', 1.1::real,
-    'most_common_elems', '{3,1}'::text,
-    'most_common_elem_freqs', '{0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.0}'::real[],
-    'range_empty_frac', -0.5::real,
-    'range_length_histogram', '{399,499,Infinity}'::text,
-    'range_bounds_histogram', '{"[-1,1)","[0,4)","[1,4)","[1,100)"}'::text);
-FROM pg_stats
-WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
-AND tablename = 'test'
-AND inherited = false
-AND attname = 'arange';
 -- Test the ability to exactly copy data from one table to an identical table,
 -- correctly reconstructing the stakind order as well as the staopN and
@@ -674,15 +669,6 @@ SELECT 4, 'four', NULL, int4range(0,100), NULL;
 CREATE INDEX is_odd ON stats_import.test(((comp).a % 2 = 1));
--- restoring stats on index
-SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.is_odd'::regclass,
-    'version', '180000'::integer,
-    'relpages', '11'::integer,
-    'reltuples', '10000'::real,
-    'relallvisible', '0'::integer
 -- Generate statistics on table with data
 ANALYZE stats_import.test;
@@ -835,154 +821,24 @@ FROM pg_statistic s
 JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = s.starelid AND a.attnum = s.staattnum
 WHERE s.starelid = 'stats_import.is_odd'::regclass;
--- ok
+-- attribute stats exist before a clear, but not after
+FROM pg_stats
+WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
+AND tablename = 'test'
+AND inherited = false
+AND attname = 'arange';
 SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
     relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
     attname => 'arange'::name,
     inherited => false::boolean);
--- Negative tests
---- error: relation is wrong type
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 0::oid,
-        'relpages', 17::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400.0::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
---- error: relation not found
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', 0::regclass,
-        'relpages', 17::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400.0::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
--- warn and error: unrecognized argument name
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'nope', 4::integer);
--- error: argument name is NULL
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        NULL, '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
--- error: argument name is an integer
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        17, '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
--- error: odd number of variadic arguments cannot be pairs
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible');
--- error: object doesn't exist
-SELECT pg_restore_relation_stats(
-        'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-        'version', 150000::integer,
-        'relpages', '17'::integer,
-        'reltuples', 400::real,
-        'relallvisible', 4::integer);
--- error: object does not exist
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', '0'::oid::regclass,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: relation null
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', NULL::oid,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: missing attname
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', NULL::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: both attname and attnum
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'attnum', 1::smallint,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: attname doesn't exist
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'nope'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: attribute is system column
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'xmin'::name,
-    'inherited', false::boolean,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: inherited null
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_attribute_stats(
-    'relation', 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    'attname', 'id'::name,
-    'inherited', NULL::boolean,
-    'version', 150000::integer,
-    'null_frac', 0.1::real,
-    'avg_width', 2::integer,
-    'n_distinct', 0.3::real);
--- error: relation not found
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_relation_stats(
-    relation => 'stats_import.nope'::regclass);
--- error: attribute is system column
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
-    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    attname => 'ctid'::name,
-    inherited => false::boolean);
--- error: attname doesn't exist
-SELECT pg_catalog.pg_clear_attribute_stats(
-    relation => 'stats_import.test'::regclass,
-    attname => 'nope'::name,
-    inherited => false::boolean);
+FROM pg_stats
+WHERE schemaname = 'stats_import'
+AND tablename = 'test'
+AND inherited = false
+AND attname = 'arange';
 DROP SCHEMA stats_import CASCADE;

base-commit: c2a50ac678eb5ccee271aef3e7ed146ac395a32b

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