On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 9:19 PM Corey Huinker <corey.huin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> +1, let's shorten those queries.  The coast is probably pretty
>>> clear now if you want to go do that.
>> On it.

So, I started reviewing this and my original thought about shortening
the queries testing pg_restore_relation_stats() wasn't included in
your patch.

For example:

+--- error: relation is wrong type
+SELECT pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats(
+        'relation', 0::oid,
+        'relpages', 17::integer,
+        'reltuples', 400.0::real,
+        'relallvisible', 4::integer);

Why do you need to specify all the stats (relpages, reltuples, etc)?
To exercise this you could just do:
select pg_catalog.pg_restore_relation_stats('relation', 0::oid);

Since I haven't been following along with this feature development, I
don't think I can get comfortable enough with all of the changes in
this test diff to commit them. I can't really say if this is the set
of tests that is representative and sufficient for this feature.

If you agree with me that the failure tests could be shorter, I'm
happy to commit that, but I don't really feel comfortable assessing
what the right set of full tests is.

- Melanie

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