Tom, the file was created in linunx and is utf-8.  Here is the rake
task that created the table:

class CreateGeoData < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :geo_data do |t|
      t.column :zip_code, :text
      t.column :latitude, :float8
      t.column :longitude, :float8
      t.column :city, :text
      t.column :state, :text
      t.column :county, :text
    add_index "geo_data", ["zip_code"], :name => "zip_code_optimization"

  def self.down
    drop_table :geo_data


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Bryan Nelson <> writes:
>> I am having problems importing a CSV file of sample data for testing
>> in a web app.
>> Columns & Types
>> -------------------
>> zip_code - text
>> lattitude - float8
>> longitude - float8
>> city - text
>> state - text
>> county - text
>> Some Sample Data From CSV File
>> ------------------------------
>> 96799,-7.209975,-170.7716,PAGO PAGO,AS,AMERICAN SAMOA
>> 96941,7.138297,151.503116,POHNPEI,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO
>> 96942,7.138297,151.503116,CHUUK,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO
>> COPY Command
>> ------------
>> COPY geo_data FROM 'geo_data2.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
>> Error Message
>> -------------
>> ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "96799"
>> CONTEXT: COPY geo_data, line 1, column id: "96799"
>> I can't figure out why it keeps choking with "invalid syntax for
>> integer" since the field was created as "text".
> It's not possible to get that error from a text field.  Moreover, the
> error message clearly refers to a column named "id", which is not part
> of what you showed us, so you're not telling the whole truth here.
> As far as what's actually causing the problem, though, the data looks
> acceptable for an integer column, so it's pretty weird.  Are you doing
> this on Windows by any chance?  If so, maybe your text editor is saving
> the file with a Unicode byte order mark at the front.  You'd need to
> stop it from doing that.
>                        regards, tom lane

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