On 07/15/2011 09:03 AM, Bryan Nelson wrote:
I am having problems importing a CSV file of sample data for testing
in a web app.
Do you mean that you are importing the data using something like psql to use in a web app or that you are testing a web-app that does the import?
Columns&  Types
zip_code - text
lattitude - float8
longitude - float8
city - text
state - text
county - text
Using psql, what is the output of "\d geo_data" so we can see the full true table definition? (PS, before you write too much of your app, latitude has one "t").
Some Sample Data From CSV File
96799,-7.209975,-170.7716,PAGO PAGO,AS,AMERICAN SAMOA
96941,7.138297,151.503116,POHNPEI,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO
96942,7.138297,151.503116,CHUUK,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO

COPY Command
COPY geo_data FROM 'geo_data2.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
Is this 100% the statement you are executing (and are you using psql?). If not using psql, can you add a line to your app to save the exact statement that you are executing? Typically in psql you would use the psql internal \copy (emphasis on the leading \) command. The SQL copy statement is typically used to copy data between tables or to/from stdout/stdin.

It is possible to create a table with the name 'geo_data2.csv' (with the single-quotes included as part of the name) but the table name would have to be double-quoted and the statement itself should throw an error.

You can use the copy command (without the \) but the file you are importing must be readable by the postgresql *server* process and the file name must be specified relative to the server's working directory. The \copy looks for a file relative to the working directory as the psql process sees it.

If you have done some development or testing that left your .csv file in the PostgreSQL home directory, it is possible to have "copy" see one version of the file and "\copy" see another.

Error Message
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "96799"
CONTEXT: COPY geo_data, line 1, column id: "96799"
If you have given us a correct table layout, there is no column 96799 so something else is going on here. Is it possible that you have a web import process that treated the first line of data as the list of column-names in a create table?

I can't figure out why it keeps choking with "invalid syntax for
integer" since the field was created as "text".

Any and all help greatly appreciated!

After you answer the above, I'm sure the answer will become obvious.


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