Bryan Nelson <> writes:
> I am having problems importing a CSV file of sample data for testing
> in a web app.

> Columns & Types
> -------------------
> zip_code - text
> lattitude - float8
> longitude - float8
> city - text
> state - text
> county - text

> Some Sample Data From CSV File
> ------------------------------
> 96799,-7.209975,-170.7716,PAGO PAGO,AS,AMERICAN SAMOA
> 96941,7.138297,151.503116,POHNPEI,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO
> 96942,7.138297,151.503116,CHUUK,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO

> COPY Command
> ------------
> COPY geo_data FROM 'geo_data2.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;

> Error Message
> -------------
> ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "96799"
> CONTEXT: COPY geo_data, line 1, column id: "96799"

> I can't figure out why it keeps choking with "invalid syntax for
> integer" since the field was created as "text".

It's not possible to get that error from a text field.  Moreover, the
error message clearly refers to a column named "id", which is not part
of what you showed us, so you're not telling the whole truth here.

As far as what's actually causing the problem, though, the data looks
acceptable for an integer column, so it's pretty weird.  Are you doing
this on Windows by any chance?  If so, maybe your text editor is saving
the file with a Unicode byte order mark at the front.  You'd need to
stop it from doing that.

                        regards, tom lane

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