On Friday, July 15, 2011 10:33:34 am Bryan Nelson wrote:
> Tom, the file was created in linunx and is utf-8.  Here is the rake
> task that created the table:
> class CreateGeoData < ActiveRecord::Migration

ActiveRecord will add an auto-incrementing id column to the table. You will 
to look at the actual table in the database.

>   def self.up
>     create_table :geo_data do |t|
>       t.column :zip_code, :text
>       t.column :latitude, :float8
>       t.column :longitude, :float8
>       t.column :city, :text
>       t.column :state, :text
>       t.column :county, :text
>     end
>     add_index "geo_data", ["zip_code"], :name => "zip_code_optimization"
>   end
>   def self.down
>     drop_table :geo_data
>   end
> end

Adrian Klaver

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