The default quote character is ", so I believe it is expecting quotes to be 
around text fields.  That is the norm for CSV files.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bryan Nelson
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 9:04 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] Error Importing CSV File

I am having problems importing a CSV file of sample data for testing
in a web app.

Columns & Types
zip_code - text
lattitude - float8
longitude - float8
city - text
state - text
county - text

Some Sample Data From CSV File
96799,-7.209975,-170.7716,PAGO PAGO,AS,AMERICAN SAMOA
96941,7.138297,151.503116,POHNPEI,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO
96942,7.138297,151.503116,CHUUK,FM,FEDERATED STATES OF MICRO

COPY Command
COPY geo_data FROM 'geo_data2.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;

Error Message
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "96799"
CONTEXT: COPY geo_data, line 1, column id: "96799"

I can't figure out why it keeps choking with "invalid syntax for
integer" since the field was created as "text".

Any and all help greatly appreciated!

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