Thanks all for the responses, We're very happy with pgpool-II for load-balancing and multi-master
usage of PostgreSQL (keep in mind to enable HA for pgpool-II itself to avoid a SPOF, e.g. with heartbeat). I could not determine whether pgpool-II is suitable for what I want. It does not seem to support multimaster in the fashion I had in mind, based on the information on the website it looks like it does not support full CRUD on any node. The most suitable solution seems to be LVS for a shared IP, ldirectord for load balancing and cybercluster for the database replication/synchronization. After reading your post I decided to check out cybercluster. In PgFoundry > there is a cybercluster project > cybercluster/ but it hasn't been updated since 2007. > On the cybercluster website <> the newest version is 1.2 and at pgfoundry it is 1.0 At the apache directory listing<>it seems version 1.2.1 dated 25-Jul-2008 21:05 seems to be the newest. Cybercluster uses shared-nothing storage (as does MySQL cluster) fortunately Cybercluster supports a two node cluster. I think I start to have an idea about what the best suitable solution is for my situation. I was hoping there would be some sort of patch for the PostgreSQL download instead of an entire rebuild of the sources. I'll post any updates I find. Thanks a lot everyone Regards, Serge Fonville