Serge Fonville wrote:
Can PostgreSQL use DRBD as its storage?

Yes, many deployments use this.

Since the in-memory database would be synchronized with the on-disk database. If this would be done with every query, this would greatly impact performance.

Performance with DRBD is usually acceptable, but you should test this yourself in your setup.

Since the cluster will be multi-master/dual-primary, do I need to have a separate block device for each PostgreSQL instance or can it use the DRBD device?

I don't understand how you want to have a multimaster PostgreSQL setup with DRBD. DRBD can only be used for an inactive standby.

I read mostly about MySQL clustering with DRBD and there the query cache should be disabled to make sure data is in-sync.
To me it seems something similar would apply to PostgreSQL.


I believe cybercluster is the most active and complete PostgreSQL clustering solution. My endgoal is a two node cluster with load sharing and fail over where both nodes can perform reads and writes.

That's not going to happen very easily, if at all.

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