Hi all, executing the following command inside pgAdmin on my Windows
Vista (please avoid comment, I pray you) :

copy anagrafica_import from 'c:\\temp\\anagraficaANIDIs.csv' WITH CSV

I get the following error:

WARNING:  nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal
LINE 1: copy anagrafica_import from 'C:\\temp\\anagraficaANIDIs.csv'...
HINT:  Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'.
ERROR:  could not open file "C:\temp\anagraficaANIDIs.csv" for reading:
No such file or directory

********** Errore **********

ERROR: could not open file "C:\temp\anagraficaANIDIs.csv" for reading:
No such file or directory
Stato SQL: 58P01

The problem is the file C:\temp\anagraficaANIDIs.csv is there and I have
granted reading rights to everyone .
Any suyggestion?

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