Hi, I am in the process of setting up a two node cluster. Can PostgreSQL use DRBD as its storage? Since the in-memory database would be synchronized with the on-disk database. If this would be done with every query, this would greatly impact performance. Since the cluster will be multi-master/dual-primary, do I need to have a separate block device for each PostgreSQL instance or can it use the DRBD device? I read mostly about MySQL clustering with DRBD and there the query cache should be disabled to make sure data is in-sync. To me it seems something similar would apply to PostgreSQL. I believe cybercluster is the most active and complete PostgreSQL clustering solution. My endgoal is a two node cluster with load sharing and fail over where both nodes can perform reads and writes.
Are there any additional caeats I need to look into? Any feedback is greatly appreciated Thanks in advance, Serge Fonville