
the pgfoundry project seems to be the initial start of cybercluster
offered by CyberTec from Austria (German page:
As far as I know this is a modified/adapted pgcluster solution.

We're very happy with pgpool-II for load-balancing and multi-master
usage of PostgreSQL (keep in mind to enable HA for pgpool-II itself to
avoid a SPOF, e.g. with heartbeat).


Tim Uckun schrieb:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Serge Fonville
> <serge.fonvi...@gmail.com <mailto:serge.fonvi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am in the process of setting up a two node cluster.
>     Can PostgreSQL use DRBD as its storage?
>     Since the in-memory database would be synchronized with the on-disk
>     database.
>     If this would be done with every query, this would greatly impact
>     performance.
>     Since the cluster will be multi-master/dual-primary, do I need to
>     have a separate block device for each PostgreSQL instance or can it
>     use the DRBD device?
>     I read mostly about MySQL clustering with DRBD and there the query
>     cache should be disabled to make sure data is in-sync.
>     To me it seems something similar would apply to PostgreSQL.
>     I believe cybercluster is the most active and complete PostgreSQL
>     clustering solution.
>     My endgoal is a two node cluster with load sharing and fail over
>     where both nodes can perform reads and writes.
> After reading your post I decided to check out cybercluster.   In
> PgFoundry there is a cybercluster project
> http://pgfoundry.org/projects/cybercluster/ but it hasn't been updated
> since 2007.
> Is that the one you are talking about or is there another cybercluster I
> should be looking at.
> Also....
> Is there an article or something that compares the different HA
> solutions for postgres? What are the differences between pgpool,
> pgcluster, cybercluster etc?
> Any HOWTOs anywhere?
> Thanks.

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