Okay, start at www.apple.com/accessibility and also if you're looking at Ipod 
Touch look at www.apple.com/ipod or Iphone at www.apple.com/iphone

On 09/08/2010, at 5:56 AM, Larry Naessens wrote:

> When checking Apple's accessibility section on their Canadian site, we 
> weren't able to locate any information stating that the 8 gig model was 
> neither Generation 3 nor usable with a screen reader. Certainly there is the 
> possibility that we missed it when checking the Canadian site and if you 
> would like to share the link, we would be happy to take a look. 
> My main reason for posting what I did was to try and help others to keep from 
> making the same mistake as we did. You, without a doubt are this group's 
> Apple expert, with information that many listers including myself have found 
> to be extremely valuable. I hope you'll keep your Mac advise coming. 
> Larry
> On 2010-08-08, at 3:15 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> Sorry to have to tell you that Apple Support couldn't have done much for you 
>> mate, if you looked on the web in Apple's accessibility section then you 
>> would have sen it clearly laid out what you've just written thus you would 
>> have saved yourself some considerable time.  No, Apple will not be making 
>> any previous Ipod Touch models Voiceover compatible just as they won't be 
>> making the Iphone 3G or previous Ipod Nano models before the 4th generation 
>> Voiceover compatible and part of the reason for that is that these devices 
>> may not have the processing power to handle Voiceover.  Yep, as I understand 
>> it you can download the IOS4 update to an Iphone 3G for example but only 
>> those features which the 3G can support will be activated.
>> On 09/08/2010, at 4:47 AM, Larry Naessens wrote:
>>> Before you, as a blind audio enthusiast, purchase an iPod Touch, expecting 
>>> to be able to use it with Voiceover, in order to listen to online radio and 
>>> so much more, you might want to keep my experience in mind. 
>>> Not long ago, my wife bought me an iPod touch for my birthday. 
>>> Understandably unaware  that the 8 gig version of the Touch was never 
>>> updated to Version 3, she bought one. After all, on Apple's Canadian 
>>> website, it was listed only as "current." Further, nothing on the box 
>>> listed the item as version 2, a version which many of us know to be 
>>> unaccessible. 
>>> Since yesterday was Saturday, I spoke to Apple Support concerning my issue, 
>>> as Customer Service was closed. When I spoke to the agent who took my call, 
>>> I was told that information concerning the fact that the 8 gig touch had 
>>> not been updated to version three was all over the website. I would like to 
>>> ask him where such info is listed on the Canadian site, but instead I'll 
>>> simply take my case to Customer Service on Monday.
>>> My advice to those who are interested in purchasing the touch? If you need 
>>> accessibility, purchase only version 3 of the Touch which comes in the 32 
>>> and 64 gig models. Anything less will not talk to you. And, so far anyway, 
>>> it has been my experience that Apple sees such problems as Buyer Beware. 
>>> Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that my problem is limited 
>>> to one isolated agent. Meanwhile, when buying a touch, make sure to get the 
>>> right one. 
>>> Larry
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Dane Trethowan

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