Before you, as a blind audio enthusiast, purchase an iPod Touch, expecting to be able to use it with Voiceover, in order to listen to online radio and so much more, you might want to keep my experience in mind.
Not long ago, my wife bought me an iPod touch for my birthday. Understandably unaware that the 8 gig version of the Touch was never updated to Version 3, she bought one. After all, on Apple's Canadian website, it was listed only as "current." Further, nothing on the box listed the item as version 2, a version which many of us know to be unaccessible. Since yesterday was Saturday, I spoke to Apple Support concerning my issue, as Customer Service was closed. When I spoke to the agent who took my call, I was told that information concerning the fact that the 8 gig touch had not been updated to version three was all over the website. I would like to ask him where such info is listed on the Canadian site, but instead I'll simply take my case to Customer Service on Monday. My advice to those who are interested in purchasing the touch? If you need accessibility, purchase only version 3 of the Touch which comes in the 32 and 64 gig models. Anything less will not talk to you. And, so far anyway, it has been my experience that Apple sees such problems as Buyer Beware. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that my problem is limited to one isolated agent. Meanwhile, when buying a touch, make sure to get the right one. Larry To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: