I would strongly recommend that you don't mess with Rockbox for the 16GB Nano if it's a 4th or 5th generation model. Rockbox completely removes the Ipod firmware and is completely unnecessary for these Ipod models.

You should install Itunes and, if you have a 5th generation model, you can switch speech on from there once your player is hooked up to the computer. If you have a 4th generation Nano then it's a little more fiddly but not too bad. You'll need to choose a voice on your computer that you want to use on your Ipod and ensure it's the same language as the language setting on your Ipod. By default this is US English so shouldn't be a problem if you're using a US English voice as your computer's default. You'll then again check the checkbox to enable speech within Itunes.


Kevin Lloyd
E-mail: kevin.llo...@sky.com
----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert doc Wright" <godfea...@wrighthere.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: getting speech on my ipod

I looked  there and it only seeems  to support the 1gb nano.
----- Original Message ----- From: "DJ DOCTOR P" <djdoct...@att.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: getting speech on my ipod

ITunes has nothing to do with getting speech on the IPod.
You will need a peace of firmware  that's called, Rock Box.
is where you can download it from.
My best regards.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Laz Mesa" <laza...@gmail.com>
To: "Pc-audio" <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: getting speech on my ipod

Congratulations Robert!

I believe you have to use iTunes to do anything with it, so your first
step is to install iTunes and go from there.


"Robert doc Wright" <godfea...@wrighthere.net> wrote:

I just recently won a 16gb ipod nano. How do I go about geting the
speech installed?
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