Feel free to read over this too:


I'm not sure where the video I did at the summit is (still being uploaded??) 
but that's the slides that I went through in my speaker session.

Questions and comments welcome.

Sent from my really tiny device...

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:47 PM, "Joshua Harlow" <harlo...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Yes it's still a thing and no it's not being deprecated, I heard other things 
> from other people at rackspace say the opposite, so maybe u misunderstood 
> adrian (if or if  not rackspace is involved is there choice in the end).
> So yes it's still being actively developed and yes it's gaining traction. I 
> don't see that traction slowing down. There was a lot if summit sessions on 
> it that I did so I'm not sure where u heard that it's not active. 
> And as for spiff sure can use that also, but IMHO u will come to the same 
> conclusions I did, that I believe spiff is functionally inferior, your 
> mileage may vary though. Likely there are use cases for both in the end; feel 
> free to do your own investigation into what each offers. Spiff to me lacked a 
> well defined state machine, was to complex and did not have foundational 
> semantics that taskflow does have (extremely important ones like resumption, 
> reversion and state persistence...). But feel free to make up your own mind, 
> it's a free world after all...
> -Josh
> Sent from my really tiny device...
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:35 PM, "Robert Collins" <robe...@robertcollins.net> 
>> wrote:
>> So I'm curious - is taskflow still a thing? Adrian was saying in HK
>> that Rackspace wasn't investing in it any more as another library -
>> Spiffy? - was functionally superior, and there is no need to reinvent
>> the wheel.
>> If thats the case, should Mistral be built on Spiffy, and taskflow 
>> deprecated?
>> -Rob
>>> On 12 November 2013 13:56, Joshua Harlow <harlo...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
>>> Sounds good,
>>> Will do when I get back from HK, still here exploring :-)
>>> Sent from my really tiny device...
>>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:17 PM, "Monty Taylor" <mord...@inaugust.com> wrote:
>>>> Ok. Cool. Let's just put an upper bound on it for now then (mainly
>>>> because it's listed as 0.1, so that version to me suggests that it might
>>>> still have breaking API churn)
>>>>> On 11/11/2013 07:53 AM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>>>>> I can put an upper bound on the version, that's fine with me. I'd rather 
>>>>> not avoid adding taskflow to wait until some new preemptive gating 
>>>>> process is in place. That doesn't exactly feel fair to the people 
>>>>> creating taskflow or the people using it, especially since people are 
>>>>> integrating it at this moment and it would be sad for their work to be 
>>>>> lost due to a requirement line.
>>>>> As for part of oslo, cc'ing Doug since from my talks with him seem to be 
>>>>> that it's just a library and to encourage the growth of useful libraries 
>>>>> the red tape isn't needed (aka, taskflow has no strong ties to oslo and 
>>>>> I'm not sure it should).
>>>>> Sent from my really tiny device...
>>>>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 7:33 PM, "Monty Taylor" <mord...@inaugust.com> wrote:
>>>>>> There is a change up to add taskflow to the global requirements. I have
>>>>>> no problem with this in principle, but it's one more that's in the set
>>>>>> of things like pecan, wsme and friends that are in the set of things
>>>>>> that Sean talked about in preemptively gate the universe.
>>>>>> I'd like to not add it until we have a plan for at least assymetrical
>>>>>> gating, so that changes to taskflow at least can't break cinder and 
>>>>>> friends.
>>>>>> Further, I think we might need to discuss how to include libraries such
>>>>>> as this. Should taskflow be a part of oslo?
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>> -- 
>> Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
>> Distinguished Technologist
>> HP Converged Cloud

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