Sounds good,

Will do when I get back from HK, still here exploring :-)

Sent from my really tiny device...

> On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:17 PM, "Monty Taylor" <> wrote:
> Ok. Cool. Let's just put an upper bound on it for now then (mainly
> because it's listed as 0.1, so that version to me suggests that it might
> still have breaking API churn)
>> On 11/11/2013 07:53 AM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> I can put an upper bound on the version, that's fine with me. I'd rather not 
>> avoid adding taskflow to wait until some new preemptive gating process is in 
>> place. That doesn't exactly feel fair to the people creating taskflow or the 
>> people using it, especially since people are integrating it at this moment 
>> and it would be sad for their work to be lost due to a requirement line.
>> As for part of oslo, cc'ing Doug since from my talks with him seem to be 
>> that it's just a library and to encourage the growth of useful libraries the 
>> red tape isn't needed (aka, taskflow has no strong ties to oslo and I'm not 
>> sure it should). 
>> Sent from my really tiny device...
>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 7:33 PM, "Monty Taylor" <> wrote:
>>> There is a change up to add taskflow to the global requirements. I have
>>> no problem with this in principle, but it's one more that's in the set
>>> of things like pecan, wsme and friends that are in the set of things
>>> that Sean talked about in preemptively gate the universe.
>>> I'd like to not add it until we have a plan for at least assymetrical
>>> gating, so that changes to taskflow at least can't break cinder and friends.
>>> Further, I think we might need to discuss how to include libraries such
>>> as this. Should taskflow be a part of oslo?

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