On 12 November 2013 22:47, Joshua Harlow <harlo...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Yes it's still a thing and no it's not being deprecated, I heard other things 
> from other people at rackspace say the opposite, so maybe u misunderstood 
> adrian (if or if  not rackspace is involved is there choice in the end).
> So yes it's still being actively developed and yes it's gaining traction. I 
> don't see that traction slowing down. There was a lot if summit sessions on 
> it that I did so I'm not sure where u heard that it's not active.
> And as for spiff sure can use that also, but IMHO u will come to the same 
> conclusions I did, that I believe spiff is functionally inferior, your 
> mileage may vary though. Likely there are use cases for both in the end; feel 
> free to do your own investigation into what each offers. Spiff to me lacked a 
> well defined state machine, was to complex and did not have foundational 
> semantics that taskflow does have (extremely important ones like resumption, 
> reversion and state persistence...). But feel free to make up your own mind, 
> it's a free world after all...

Ok cool, thats good to know. I only asked because of what I was
hearing. I will see about looking in detail in my copious free time :)


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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