Henri Beauchamp wrote:
> My guess is that very few old timers, power users and role-players will
> bother with 2.0 once third parties viewers implementing the v1 UI will
> have all the main features of v2.0 backported...
I'd say that's a very accurate guess. Granted, the type of people I 
generally interact with in-world is limited to certain types of people. 
But, those people are content creators, a few role-players, and a lot of 
my own customers. Most of them dislike 2.0 in general, the rest dislike 
it but could tolerate it if some major changes were made. They'd rather 
stick with what they know and can use though. I only know *one* person 
who likes 2.0.
> Yes. Unlike most other third parties viewers, I provide individual patches
> for each feature/fix/improvement implemented in the Cool SL Viewer, and
> this both for the v1.23 and v1.19 branches (yes, I also intend to try and
> backport Tattoo and Alpha support into v1.19, for the benefit of people with
> "old" computers).
> In fact, most third parties viewers already use part of the Cool SL Viewer
> patches... No wonder since it has been around for almost two years and a
> half now.
> Oh, and that's it: I fixed the last quirk... Patch ready for v1.23. Will
> try and backport it to v1.19 tomorrow...
> Henri.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. I knew you were behind many of the 
patches common to several third party viewers, but I haven't looked at 
your site in quite a while and didn't realize you keep a repository of 
patch files. That's a great idea, and very helpful to the community.

Also, I played around with Cool Viewer earlier, and it's my new 
animation uploader. :) I use different viewers for different aspect of 
content creation at times, but lacked one that was really handy with 
animation uploads. Emerald has the preview in-world function, but it 
tends to glitch and freeze the head and eye movements after closing the 
window. Cool Viewer doesn't do that, which I'm very glad of. Good job. 
:D I'll probably use it for other things too, once I get to use it some 

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