> Also most bald hair bases use an alpha texture. > Not really relevant here, but true. >>> On the bright side - anyone making tattoos and understanding the alpha >>> mask isn't wearing system hair... <snicker> Or system eyes in most cases. :P
>>> plain wrong, since you can't NOT wear system hair. >>> you can wear system hair of length 0, otherwise known as a "bald hair base". >>> the one you're wearing while creating an alpha layer in a viewer with this >>> unfinished patch becomes broken, and turns you into a cloud. >>> This is true, but easily dealt with, if I'm understanding things correctly (I haven't had time to try the patch myself): Just make a throwaway set of hair/eyes/skin/whatever's getting corrupted, and switch to something else when you're done editing. Of course that's assuming that the cloud-ruthing isn't permanent. Regardless, I'm excited to see effort being put into this. I can't use 2.0 in its current state, and even with all the tweaks in place its new, longer methods of doing things is detrimental to my work. So I'm glad someone's working on backporting, and I know many other content creators that will be similarly pleased. :) Maya _______________________________________________ Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/OpenSource-Dev Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting privileges