Henri Beauchamp wrote:
> I found what was wrong in my patch. The new code now works properly, but
> for a cosmetic glitch (avatar not being rebaked while in customize
> appearance mode when changing an Alpha wearable) which I'm trying to
> address.
> You can expect the next release of the Cool SL Viewer (http://sldev.free.fr/)
> to include full Tattoo and Alpha wearables support... ;-)
> Henri.
Did you hear that? It was the sound of the dozen or so people using 2.0 
dropping it like a hot potato. ;)

Will you be making the patch available by itself? I imagine all the 
third party devs will want it. If I had it, I'd run it through an 
Emerald build myself just for fun, that being the viewer I'm currently 
comfortable working with. (Though I will be trying Cool Viewer since 
it's been brought to my attention again)

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