So far, barring any LL concepts, we have (as far as I know so far!) two
designs of plugin system:
1: Socket-based plugins - as suggested by Morgaine.
2: D-Bus or similar existing IPC tool.
3: C++ Dynamically Shared Objects - my suggestion.

Morgaine's design has a couple advantages that I can think of: Namely, a
distinct lawyer-approved separation of code allowing the plugins to be
released under different licenses, and a fairly stable target to design
around, meaning the socket API wouldn't typically change a lot across
releases, plugins also could be built into other external packages that
interface with the socket API to provide massive amounts of integration.
However, it's disadvantages come along: Networking code in every plugin just
to connect to the client, separate processes that have to be launched by
something - presumably the client code, but not always...

I'm not too sure about the D-Bus design, there hasn't been much discussion,
other than it seems a lot like Morgaine's suggestion to me, just an
available existent re-usable tool.  That can be a good thing, as we wouldn't
have to worry about the protocol, it would be already done.

The last option is one I've seen references to across the 'net.  All that
would be written in the client software is one or more Interface Objects
(those familiar with polymorphic design are very familiar with these,) and
then a list or two of these for different tasks.  For instance, one list
could be for those that have registered themselves as Dynamic Script
interpreters.  These Interfaces would then be implemented by all plugins,
depending on what tasks the plugin was spec'd to handle.  Plugins would then
be located in the plugins directory in the main install, and/or in a plugins
directory under each profile.  They would be loaded automatically upon
startup of the client, and their functions would be called upon event.  The
event could be as simple as the last step in the render/update loops, or as
detailed as when the user clicks or touches a keyboard button.  They also
are given access to various commands they can call in the client.  The more
the merrier.
  The advantages are that these marry right up to the client giving
full-speed access, along with the ability to get into the nitty-gritty of
the client's underpinnings.  Also an easier way to code for a lot of
programmers (like myself) who, while having a passing familiarity with
networking code, are not terribly interested in writing plugins as clients
to the client....
Disadvantages are a potential lock-in to the client's license, although I'm
not sure about that, and the API could be easily changed while patching some
other part of the client code.

Each has it's pro's and con's.  And my listing of such is by no means
comprehensive!  I want to see this hashed out and the best over-all design
get implemented: Client capabilities would soar fast, and be done in a very
modular way improving SL massively.

Cron Stardust
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