Laurent Gauch wrote:
>/ Having external Jim TCL is not so bad,
I think it's an important improvement.

>/ we have to make sure the compile step stays as easy as possible on
/>/ Windows as on Linux and Mac !
I don't agree. Windows is pretty much a useless development
environment as-is,
That's your point of view ... but, for me, this is a user point of view and not a developer point of view .
my 2c.
and it's not really the task of openocd or
any other project to work around that.
As you say, it should not be the task of openocd developers and any other developer of any other software to play with OS, but having easy build solution for Multi-OS (Windows / Linux / Mac ...) is a big plus for the success of an open source project as the openocd.
MSYS and Cygwin are significantly better environments, and they work
much like a *ix systems. Big improvement, and many of the same
methods can be used across all operating systems thanks to them.
Yes, but do not confuse the "how-to" build and "how-to" use !!! We build openocd for Windows under Cygwin and then we use openocd binary on Windows without the need of Cygwin ...

>/ This is not the case for the actual external Jim TCL .
When there's no package management (like on Windows) dependencies
will always mean that some extra effort and care is required to build
a package. I don't think this is a reason to keep a copy of all
dependencies within projects.
So why jimtcl directory in OpenOCD ?
If you can help make it easier to build the two packages then please
go for it and send a patch.


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