Øyvind Harboe wrote:
Yes, but having jim as standalone make a new dependency for openocd project
:-( ! With new version control of jim TCL ...
The current thinking is to have the choice of whether
to use installed Jim Tcl or have OpenOCD just build the Jim
Tcl that ships with(submodule) OpenOCD.
Release builds are another issue a bit further down the road.
Having external Jim TCL is not so bad, but if we still want more and
more users / developpers for the openocd projects, we have to make sure
the compile step stays as easy as possible on Windows as on Linux and
Mac ! This is not the case for the actual external Jim TCL .
As I know, the major part of the OpenOCD users build their release
themself (they do not use any pre-build openocd binary file) And this is
really nice in the way to have more users close to the code ... You know
what I mean. More users / more developers / more activity / more success ...
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