Spencer Oliver wrote:
> The issue is caused because jim will install into /usr/local/lib.
> cygwin and mingw will only look in /usr/lib - quick solution is to
> manually move the various files.

Quick but note that it is also a dirty solution, since you are not
only circumventing the packaging system (cygwin) but also overriding
what you (had not) specified when running configure.

It doesn't make sense. Please just configure either with
--prefix=/usr or better yet a semi-temporary directory within the
openocd directory, where openocd can pick the package up.

> Tweaking the install path is the better solution,eg.
> ./configure --with-jim-ext="nvp" --prefix=/usr

Not only better, but actually the only good solution. Moving binaries
around is very bad practise, and could even cause problems if the
prefix is used in the build process, which sometimes is the case.

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