Laurent Gauch wrote:
> Having external Jim TCL is not so bad,

I think it's an important improvement.

> we have to make sure the compile step stays as easy as possible on
> Windows as on Linux and Mac !

I don't agree. Windows is pretty much a useless development
environment as-is, and it's not really the task of openocd or
any other project to work around that.

MSYS and Cygwin are significantly better environments, and they work
much like a *ix systems. Big improvement, and many of the same
methods can be used across all operating systems thanks to them.

> This is not the case for the actual external Jim TCL .

When there's no package management (like on Windows) dependencies
will always mean that some extra effort and care is required to build
a package. I don't think this is a reason to keep a copy of all
dependencies within projects.

If you can help make it easier to build the two packages then please
go for it and send a patch.


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