On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 12:11 AM, David Brownell <davi...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>> -It is better to name package openocd-0.4.0rc1.tar.gz than
>> openocd-0.4.0-rc1.tar.gz, as there are some other system conventions
>> that forbids using "-" and "_" mark after the program number (ie.
>> "-devel" or "_n" for revision number n, etc)..
> Hmm, we're not really set up to have BSD-specific naming
> conventions.  It'll have to stay that way for now.  You
> can resolve that by downloading to a different filename.

Sorry for that David, I have found an elegant and formal way to deal
with this kind of naming convention, so no constrains are necessary in
future - my mistake :-)

Soon I should also know if its possible to create openocd-devel port
that could build and install the package straight from the GIT
repository - this is a nice idea sparked by Xiaofan - so the testing
could be even more simple, however if someone wants to develop the
source code he/she will still need to use standard git repository
procedure, so its purpose might be questionable. Also with GIT
approach, the list of files for (de)installation might be a problem -
usually it is a static thing, and with git build it will be dynamic so
it can somehow leave trashes in the filesystem - some solution is to
install all devel files with some specific prefix, ie.
/tmp/devel/openocd so they can be easily removed without risking the
integrity of the system... but I will try to find the solution.
So is it sensible/worth to preape a port for this purpose, or assume
that developer use git anyway?

Best regards,
Tomek Cedro

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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