Hello Xiao! :-)

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 12:41 AM, Xiaofan Chen <xiaof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (...)
> But I have not used FreeBSD for a while. It did not boot on my desktop
> PC (Nvidia 620i/Geforce 7050 integrated chipset) when I wanted to try it
> last time. It also had quite bad USB support last time. The new HPS USB
> stack in 8.0 should be better though.

Yes, I must admit that the unstable USB stack krashing whole system
keeped me away, but since 7.0-RELEASE everything is fine and I have
totally moved to FreeBSD :-) So Xiao, I encourage you to give it a
try! :-)

And returing to the RC2 - it builds of-the-box! :-)
The define "__FreeBSD__" allows compilation without additional define
flag which is correct ofcourse - some minutes ago I made the same
mistake twice :\
Now I try to install and see what happens =)

Best regards,

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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