On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:26 AM, CeDeROM <tomek.ce...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you have installed the GDM package, then the only thing to place in
> /etc.rc.conf is to enable the gdm and it will take care of everything
> else (HAL/DBUS):
> gnome_enable="YES"

Yes that is the key here. Thanks for the hint. Now I
am typing under Firefox3/Gnome/FreeBSD. ;-)

>> Yes I have installed the binary libftdi and openocd for FreeBSD 8.
>> But I am more interested to be able to build latest git version
>> of OpenOCD. For that it seems to fail with the stock libftdi.
> Well, in FreeBSD you don't build the packages yourself from scratch -
> this is the reason that Ports exists - to be able to build the package
> from source with some options enabled/disabled, but the OS specific
> quirks are done by the maintainer. Also no development or unstable
> package can be considered as stable (ie. my last cdrutils troubles).
> But I think this might be a good idea to create openocd-devel port if
> thats what you need, Ill think about it and check if its possible to
> build straight from the git repository :-)

Yeah I think openocd-devel port is the way to go. I do not really
like the port system very much due to the fact that many
mirrors are dead. The binaries are also not often updated.
Many ports are actually quite outdated.

For that ARCH Linux seems to be much better since it
provides updated binaries and at the same time provides
the source packages.

Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
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