David Brownell wrote:
>> Even "reset halt" will let the CPU run for some amount of time 
>> (e.g. enough to print a Hello-World string to the serial port..).
> Now *that* is a bug.  And one that I suspect is specific to STM32, or
> at least to your particular chip, since I've not observed it on my 
> tiny sample of Stellaris chips.
> What happens if you tell OpenOCD not to use SRST?  The Cortex-M3 can
> reset using NVIC, without SRST.  It has two NVIC resets ... see 
> cortex_m3_assert_reset().

Well.. the whole reset stuff seems like black magic to me anyways. The
documentation says that there's a gazillion of possible ways to reset:

    4 signals:      none, trst_only, srst_only, trst_and_srst
    4 combinations: seperate, combined, srst_pulls_trst, trst_pulls_srst
    2 gates:        srst_gates_jtag, srst_nogate
    2 TRST type:    trst_push_pull, trst_open_drain
    2 SRST type:    srst_push_pull, srst_open_drain

makes 128 different combinations, not counting the various _width and
_delay tuneables. Are all of them useful? And tested?

Back to your question: I tried all of the four signal options, and
/basically/ all of them work. I can attach log files if needed.

"none" and "trst_only"  seem to be the best options -- only one reset,
or reset-and-immediate-halt, as expected.

"srst_only" and "trst_and_srst" give double-resets and run-before-halts.

But "trst_and_srst" is defined as the default in stm32.cfg .. perhaps
it's just the wrong reset type?!

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