On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Michael Fischer <fische...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Here I have a Olimex LPC-P2148 board too, tested with a FT2232
> device under windows, with the r1893.
> For testing, I have a short hex file, called test_rom.hex
> 1) flash write_image test_rom.hex 0x0
> 2) dump_image dump.bin 0x0 364
> After this I got a file dump.bin on my HD. Now I convert the hex
> file to a bin file with:
> arm-elf-objcopy -I ihex -O binary test_rom.hex test_rom.bin
> After this I compare the test_rom.bin with the dump.bin file.
> Both files are equal!

Up to here everything seems to be ok. The files are equal.

But then I can not halt the chip after reset. It seems to me the
chip is in the wrong state after flashing.

I am not so sure what your hex is doing since nothing happens
on the board. Even if I use lpc21isp to flash the code, I can not halt
the chip with my J-Link.

> Attached are the file which I use for testing. If you like send
> me your file that I can test it here too.

I am using the following simple script and J-Link V3.
I will try yours as well.

source [find target/lpc2148.cfg]
source [find interface/jlink.cfg]

#----------- Daemon Configuration
telnet_port     4444
gdb_port        3333
tcl_port        6666

# Tell gdb that you can use us to program the device
gdb_memory_map    enable
gdb_flash_program enable

I will send you the hex file by private email. The file is built from
the lpcusb sample (usb isochronous transfer example).

Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
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