2015-10-06 16:08 skrev Burton, Ross: 

> On 6 October 2015 at 14:43,
Petter Mabäcker <pet...@technux.se> wrote:
>> Great. As you will
notice also when formatted properly it will not apply due to that
readline63-001 and readline63-002 isn't applied so 'patchlevel' is
incorrect. That makes me wondering what the patching strategy is? In my
opinion we should consider adding the official readline-6.3 patches as
well. Should I add a bug report for that or leave it as is (depending on
the strategy...)?
> Adding the rest of the patches would have been a
sensible thing to do. Right now, we're frozen as we're about to release
2.0, but a bug or patches post-release would be much appreciated. 

I have created a defect and assigned myself
(https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8451) and will send
something up when the normal integration is open again. 

BR Petter 
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