Hi Paolo,
I think you (and the original author) have mixed up the size of the
structures with the length of the string. There's no need to do a sizeof()
or to define a constant OB_ATOM_TYPE_LENGTH.
Here's what I think is needed ... it's actually simpler than the original.
Just use strcpy() instead of strncpy(), because these are all
NULL-terminated strings.
bool OBTypeTable::Translate(char *to, const char *from)
if (!_init)
bool rval;
string sto,sfrom;
sfrom = from;
rval = Translate(sto,sfrom);
strcpy(to, sto.c_str());
My only worry is that the (char *)to parameter passed in has to be long
enough to hold the (char*)from parameter. I assume it is.
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Paolo Tosco <paolo.to...@unito.it> wrote:
> Actually that sizeof in Translate (data.cpp) is plain wrong, since it
> refers to sizeof(char *) which is 8 on a 64-bit OS and 4 on a 32-bit OS;
> build the attached test.c with -m64 and -m32 and run to verify that:
> $ gcc -m64 test.c -o test64
> $ ./test64
> This is really 6: 6
> This is machine-dependent: 8
> $ gcc -m32 test.c -o test32
> $ ./test32
> This is really 6: 6
> This is machine-dependent: 4
> Probably Chris has a 32-bit Windows machine, that's why it works.
> So the rel fix is not increasing to 8 the size of _type in OBAtom
> (atom.h), but rather defining OBATOM_TYPE_LEN = 6 in atom.h, setting
> _type[OBATOM_TYPE_LEN] in OBAtom and replacing sizeof(to) with
> OBATOM_TYPE_LEN in bool OBTypeTable::Translate(char *to, const char *from).
> A new patch is attached.
> Cheers,
> p.
> --
> ==============================**============================
> Paolo Tosco, Ph.D. Phone: +39 011 6707680
> Department of Drug Science Fax: +39 011 6707687
> and Technology Mob: +39 348 5537206
> Via Pietro Giuria, 9
> 10125 Torino, Italy
> http://open3dalign.org
> E-mail: paolo.to...@unito.it http://open3dqsar.org
> ==============================**============================
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