> My only worry is that the (char *)to parameter passed in has to be 
> long enough to hold the (char*)from parameter.  I assume it is.
> Craig
Clearly this was also the concern of the original author, who, to avoid 
any assumption, decided to use strncpy to avoid buffer overflows. Simply 
he/she thought that his/her sizeof(to) was referring to the size of the 
original data structure in OBAtom (_type[6]), while it was actually 
referring to the size of the data structure passed to the Translate() 
function, that is, char *.

Have a nice day,

Paolo Tosco, Ph.D.                Phone: +39 011 6707680
Department of Drug Science        Fax:   +39 011 6707687
and Technology                    Mob:   +39 348 5537206
Via Pietro Giuria, 9
10125 Torino, Italy
E-mail: paolo.to...@unito.it      http://open3dqsar.org

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