I may be wrong here, but my impression is that both OBMol and OBAtom = operators work fine, the problem is that formal charges are zeroed after the call to Clear() in the OBMol = operator, as can ve verified printing the results of GetFormalCharge() before and after Clear(). Therefore what OBAtom::Duplicate duplicates are actually zeros, except for the +2 charge that the atom typer is able to assign. Apparently, the atom typer can assign some formal charges (e.g., in your example the +2 charge of one of the Fe ions), but some of them need to be read from user input, since they cannot be univocally determined. I had this problem to assign MMFF94 atom types to Cu2+and Cu+. There is no way the atom typer can understand if you have Cu(I) or Cu(II), so correct MMFF94 requires formal charge input by the user, such as the one supplied in SDF files. It could be that I'm completely wrong, since I don't have a comprehensive picture of the way OB works, I'm just telling you about my experience, so maybe someone can find a better patch than mine (which works, though :-)


On 05/17/2012 08:00 PM, Craig James wrote:
I have narrowed down the "lost charge" problem to atomtyper.cpp. OBMol::operator= calls OBAtom::operator=, which calls the atom typer to figure out the type of the *source* atom. During that process, the atom typer erases the charge on the source atoms.

I'm still digging, but I'm way beyond my area of familiarity with the OB code. Paolo's patch is a workaround, but this is a pretty serious bug in the OBAtom::operator=.


On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:38 AM, Craig James <cja...@emolecules.com <mailto:cja...@emolecules.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Chris Morley
    <c.mor...@gaseq.co.uk <mailto:c.mor...@gaseq.co.uk>> wrote:

        Craig's failing example works fine for me under Windows with
        both 2.3.1
        and the development code. As he suggested, this inconsistency
        that there is something not being initialized properly. The
        logic around
        the flag OB_TCHARGE_MOL is a bit tricky and so is a candidate,
        but I
        cannot see anything wrong. Paolo's patch is in the same area
        in the
        OBMol assignment operator (which is used in SMILES output) but
        as far as
        I can see it just duplicates the copying of atom formal
        charges which is
        already done in the OBAtom::Duplicate(). I think it would be
        better to
        identify the fault before applying the patch. But it is tricky
        finding a
        bug if you cannot reproduce it. Can anyone help?

    Excellent point.  It turns out the SMILES format copies the
    molecule before generating the SMILES. The "=" operator seems to
    be the culprit.  I modified smilesformat.cpp as follows:

    bool SMIBaseFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb,OBConversion* pConv)
        //cout << "SMIBaseFromat::WriteMolecule()" << endl;
        OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb);

        FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, pmol) {
          fprintf(stderr, "smilesformat: atom %d: formal charge: %d,
    spin mult: %d\n",
                  atom->GetIdx(), atom->GetFormalCharge(),

        // Define some references so we can use the old parameter names
        ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream();
        OBMol mol = *pmol;

        FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {
          fprintf(stderr, "smilesformat: atom %d: formal charge: %d,
    spin mult: %d\n",
                  atom->GetIdx(), atom->GetFormalCharge(),

    Here's what it prints.  Simply copying the molecule with the "="
    operator loses the charges.

    smilesformat: atom 1: formal charge: 2, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 2: formal charge: -2, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 3: formal charge: 2, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 4: formal charge: -2, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 1: formal charge: 2, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 2: formal charge: 0, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 3: formal charge: 0, spin mult: 0
    smilesformat: atom 4: formal charge: 0, spin mult: 0

    I'll keep digging... but if anyone recalls making a change that's
    related to this, we could zero in faster.



        On 17/05/2012 16:28, Craig James wrote:
        > Hi Paolo,
        > Thanks very much for the patch.  Unfortunately, the OBForceField
        > functions that you patched are never called at all during the
        > SDF-to-SMILES conversion process, so the patch doesn't
        resolve my
        > issue.  OBForceField only seems to be called if I use the
        --gen3D option.
        > Best regards,
        > Craig
        > On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:03 AM, Paolo Tosco
        <paolo.to...@unito.it <mailto:paolo.to...@unito.it>
        > <mailto:paolo.to...@unito.it <mailto:paolo.to...@unito.it>>>
        >     Dear Craig,
        >     I have faced the identical problem with MMFF94, and I have
        >     previously submitted a similar patch which has already
        been applied
        >     to SVN OpenBabel. However, now I realize that my fix had
        only solved
        >     my own problem, but not a more general problem connected
        with formal
        >     charges.
        >     So I have attached a much better patch, which reverts my
        >     one, and instead applies it on the OBMol copy
        constructor, so that
        >     it becomes of general use.
        >     To make a long story short, if you patch the current
        OpenBabel SVN
        >     version with the attached patch your issue will be solved.
        >      From the OpenBabel root folder:
        >     patch -p0 < patch_17-05-2012.patch
        >     Dear Geoff, would you please apply it also to the SVN
        trunk so that
        >     also other OpenBabel users may benefit from that? It
        also includes a
        >     small patch on "A T O M   T Y P E S" logging that I had
        left behind
        >     previously.
        >     Best regards,
        >     Paolo
        >     On 05/17/2012 01:44 AM, Craig James wrote:
        >>     Here's another problem in 2.3.x that's not in 2.2.x.  I
        >>     these are bogus molecules, but it illustrates a serious
        >>       $ echo "[Fe+2][Fe-2].[Fe+2].[Fe-2]" | babel -i smi -o can
        >>       [Fe-2][Fe+2].[Fe-2].[Fe+2]
        >>     Everything looks good -- charges are maintained.  Now
         go through
        >>     the SDF format:
        >>       $ echo "[Fe+2][Fe-2].[Fe+2].[Fe-2]" | babel -i smi -o
        sdf |
        >>     babel -i sdf -o can
        >>       [Fe+2][Fe].[Fe].[Fe]
        >>     Not so good -- charges are dropped. Where is the
        problem?  It
        >>     turns out the SDF is correct:
        >>      $ echo "[Fe+2][Fe-2].[Fe+2].[Fe-2]" | babel -i smi -o sdf
        >>      OpenBabel05161216052D
        >>       4  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000
        >>         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 Fe  0  2  0  0  0  0  0
         0  0  0  0  0
        >>         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 Fe  0  6  0  0  0  0  0
         0  0  0  0  0
        >>         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 Fe  0  2  0  0  0 15  0
         0  0  0  0  0
        >>         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 Fe  0  6  0  0  0 15  0
         0  0  0  0  0
        >>       1  2  1  0  0  0  0
        >>     M  CHG  4   1   2   2  -2   3   2   4  -2
        >>     M  END
        >>     $$$$
        >>     The charges are all properly marked in the atom block
        and in the M
        >>     CHG line.  And the "15" in atoms 3 and 4 means "zero
        >>     which is right.  Yet the SMILES is wrong.
        >>     It turns out this same thing happens if you use
        >>     atom->SetFormalCharge().  It sometimes works and
        sometimes doesn't.
        >>     Note that it works correctly in OpenBabel 2.2.x:
        >>       $ echo "[Fe+2][Fe-2].[Fe+2].[Fe-2]" | babel -i smi -o
        sdf |
        >>     babel -i sdf -o can
        >>       [Fe-2].[Fe-2][Fe+2].[Fe+2]
        >>     Anyone have any idea what changed, either in the OpenBabel
        >>     internals or the SMILES generator, that would affect
        the way
        >>     charges are interpreted?
        >>     Craig

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Paolo Tosco, Ph.D.                Phone: +39 011 6707680
Department of Drug Science        Fax:   +39 011 6707687
and Technology                    Mob:   +39 348 5537206
Via Pietro Giuria, 9
10125 Torino, Italy
E-mail: paolo.to...@unito.it      http://open3dqsar.org

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