Dear Craig,sorry, of course you are right. I was at home when I replied to your e-mail and I thought to remember that I had put printf() before and after Clear(), but I did not remember correctly; actually I had put them before and after AddAtom().
The real issue was the length of _type in OBAtom (atom.h) being set to 6; when OBTypeTable::Translate(char *to, const char *from) (data.cpp) is called, sizeof(to) = 8, so 2 more bytes are written. Guess what comes after _type in OBAtom? _fcharge, which is a short. So it gets wiped to zero by strncpy because of buffer overflow. Chris, I guess it does not happen on Windows because Visual C pads data to 8 bytes, or something like that.
So setting _type length from [6] to [8] in OBAtom fixes the problem. Very happy to have nailed this bug which was annoying me since a long time, even if that workaround kind of fixed it.
Therefore, forget about my previous patch and just apply the one attached, which reverts the one which was applied some time ago on SVN (which is now useless), uniforms "A T O M T Y P E" logging to the one adopted in forcefieldgaff.cpp, forcefieldghemical.cpp and forcefielduff.cpp and, most importantly, patches atom.h.
Cheers, p. -- ========================================================== Paolo Tosco, Ph.D. Phone: +39 011 6707680 Department of Drug Science Fax: +39 011 6707687 and Technology Mob: +39 348 5537206 Via Pietro Giuria, 9 10125 Torino, Italy E-mail: ==========================================================
*** src/forcefield.cpp.orig 2012-05-18 00:22:20.875386817 +0200 --- src/forcefield.cpp 2012-05-18 00:26:12.030386712 +0200 *************** *** 779,788 **** { IF_OBFF_LOGLVL_LOW { OBFFLog("\nA T O M T Y P E S\n\n"); ! OBFFLog("IDX\tTYPE\n"); FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (a, _mol) { ! snprintf(_logbuf, BUFF_SIZE, "%d\t%s\n", a->GetIdx(), a->GetType()); OBFFLog(_logbuf); } } --- 779,789 ---- { IF_OBFF_LOGLVL_LOW { OBFFLog("\nA T O M T Y P E S\n\n"); ! OBFFLog("IDX\tTYPE\tRING\n"); FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (a, _mol) { ! snprintf(_logbuf, BUFF_SIZE, "%d\t%s\t%s\n", a->GetIdx(), a->GetType(), ! (a->IsInRing() ? (a->IsAromatic() ? "AR" : "AL") : "NO")); OBFFLog(_logbuf); } } *************** *** 855,875 **** } if (IsSetupNeeded(mol)) { - int *formal_charge = new int[mol.NumAtoms()]; - int i; - - i = 0; - FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, mol) { - formal_charge[i] = atom->GetFormalCharge(); - ++i; - } _mol = mol; - i = 0; - FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, _mol) { - atom->SetFormalCharge(formal_charge[i]); - ++i; - } - delete [] formal_charge; _ncoords = _mol.NumAtoms() * 3; if (_velocityPtr) --- 856,862 ---- *************** *** 925,945 **** } if (IsSetupNeeded(mol)) { - int *formal_charge = new int[mol.NumAtoms()]; - int i; - - i = 0; - FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, mol) { - formal_charge[i] = atom->GetFormalCharge(); - ++i; - } _mol = mol; - i = 0; - FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, _mol) { - atom->SetFormalCharge(formal_charge[i]); - ++i; - } - delete [] formal_charge; _ncoords = _mol.NumAtoms() * 3; if (_velocityPtr) --- 912,918 ---- *** include/openbabel/atom.h.orig 2012-05-18 00:20:06.932510403 +0200 --- include/openbabel/atom.h 2012-05-18 00:05:37.041386762 +0200 *************** *** 82,88 **** protected: unsigned char _ele; //!< atomic number (type unsigned char to minimize space -- allows for 0..255 elements) char _impval; //!< implicit valence ! char _type[6]; //!< atomic type short _fcharge; //!< formal charge unsigned short _isotope; //!< isotope (0 = most abundant) short _spinmultiplicity;//!< atomic spin, e.g., 2 for radical 1 or 3 for carbene --- 82,88 ---- protected: unsigned char _ele; //!< atomic number (type unsigned char to minimize space -- allows for 0..255 elements) char _impval; //!< implicit valence ! char _type[8]; //!< atomic type short _fcharge; //!< formal charge unsigned short _isotope; //!< isotope (0 = most abundant) short _spinmultiplicity;//!< atomic spin, e.g., 2 for radical 1 or 3 for carbene
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