Phil, I'm not objecting to it! I never have been! I've been saying all along 
it's a proper extension to the base dynamic registration spec because it 
defines optional functionality in addition to said base spec. Why do you object 
to it being an extension?

 -- Justin

On Aug 22, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Phil Hunt 
<<>> wrote:

TLS doesn't define how servers obtain certificates. It just assumes they are 
installed.  The same thing is happening here.

I'm not sure why this is objectionable. It is simply a broader model of your 
proprietary (meaning specific) solution for BB+.



On 2013-08-22, at 1:18 PM, Justin Richer 
<<>> wrote:

But it also assumes, in many cases, a pre-registration step. I think you might 
be simplifying for the case of one piece of software with the same parameters 
talking to the same server many times. In some sense, it doesn't matter to a 
client developer whether they have to send their display name as part of a JSON 
object or as part of a signed JWT (though the former's simpler, the results are 
the same), they still have to send it to the server. You kick the can down the 
road and set up something where there's a pre-registration step where common 
elements of the client's registration are fixed -- but then the server's going 
to have to be able to get those common elements at registration time and 
(later) at authorization time. Unless you're building inside of a single 
security domain, this becomes tricky, with all kinds of trust and policy 
issues. But it's useful and it can be done -- that's what we did with the 
"trusted registration" extension that BB+ uses, with registries and discovery 
using the initial access token. The server effectively parses the initial 
access token and looks up information about the client at the registry. We also 
toyed with the idea of packing the registration information into the token 
itself. Either way, the server has to decide that it trusts whoever issued that 
token, and it has to be able to verify the token's veracity. In BB+, we're 
using discovery to find the JWK that was used to sign the token and 
(optionally) token introspection to verify that the initial access token hasn't 
been decomissioned by the registry server. In this case, it's the registry that 
holds the fixed information about the client -- not the auth server -- and so 
the trust model is different.

I think we're better off starting with the fully open case, where neither the 
app nor the server really know anything about each other, and build from there. 
We know that that's a case that people want to solve. Note that BB+ builds 
directly on what's already there -- you don't have to burn down the house in 
order to hang a painting. I think that there are so many similarities between 
the two that the software statement work can do the same.

I'd also like to point out something about passing client information around: 
in the "fully stateless assertion" world that's being proposed (where there 
*is* no registration step), the client ends up passing its full registration 
information (as a software statement) with *every* call to the authorization 
endpoint. The fact that the registration is encoded in an assertion is 
immaterial. Having the server be truly stateless dramatically increases the 
amount of information sent over the wire at runtime -- that's a pretty 
universal tradeoff, and that's not a cost that everyone wants to pay.

 -- Justin

On 08/22/2013 03:57 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:

The problem for dyn reg is most params are optional and passed at reg time. I 
think this also represents huge complexity to client app developers since each 
sp may be different. Move bulk of info to statement simplifies the registration 
and encourages uniformity.


On 2013-08-22, at 12:53, Justin Richer 
<<>> wrote:

Phil, thanks for writing this down. I think that part of the confusion in this 
conversation may come from the nature of items such as the client id, client 
secret, and even the registration access token. In many instances, these are 
simply random values that the server generates and stores for later use. 
However, as you point out, OAuth doesn't state that that has to be the case any 
more than it states that a server must store access tokens. The important thing 
is that the auth server be able to recognize and verify each of these values. 
As such, nothing is stopping the server from staying stateless and sending 
signed values to the client for each or all of these fields, much in same way 
that a server can issue signed access tokens that carry all their rights and 
state within. As long as all of these values remain opaque to the client, 
everything in OAuth still works. It also works fine within the current DynReg 
framework, as John has just pointed out under a separate thread.

 -- Justin

On 08/22/2013 03:22 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
I have attached a PDF including some of my thoughts, concerns, and suggestions 
for the upcoming meeting.



On 2013-08-22, at 4:06 AM, "Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)" 
<><> wrote:

> I messed up the conference bridge time; here is the corrected version but the 
> details are actually the same.
> Meeting Number: 702 442 101
> Meeting Password: oauth
> -------------------------------------------------------
> To join the online meeting
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> 2. Enter your name and email address.
> 3. Enter the meeting password: oauth
> 4. Click "Join Now".
> To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:
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> To join the Teleconference
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> Global dial-in numbers:
> Conference Code: 944 910 5485
> To update this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft 
> Outlook), click this link:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:<> 
>> [] On Behalf
>> Of ext Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 6:35 PM
>> To: oauth mailing list
>> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Dynamic Client Registration Conference Call: Thu 22
>> Aug, 2pm PDT: Conference Bridge Details
>> Here is the conference bridge and Webex information.
>> From an agenda point of view I guess we should start at a basic level,
>> namely with what we have already in the dynamic client registration
>> document (and folks may have actually missed it). There are two use
>> cases described in the WG document, namely
>> - Use Case #1: Open Registration (Appendix B.1)
>> - Use Case #2: Protected Registration (Appendix B.2)
>> Then, we could talk about some more sophisticated use cases where
>> information for protected registration is provided by a third party.
>> --------------------
>> Meeting Number: 702 442 101
>> Meeting Password: oauth
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> To join the online meeting
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> 1. Go to
>> MiMzMA%3D%3D
>> 2. Enter your name and email address.
>> 3. Enter the meeting password: oauth
>> 4. Click "Join Now".
>> To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:
>> =MiMzMA%3D%3D
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> To join the teleconference only
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Global Dial-In Numbers:
>> Conference Code: 944 910 5485
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