Phil, thanks for writing this down. I think that part of the confusion
in this conversation may come from the nature of items such as the
client id, client secret, and even the registration access token. In
many instances, these are simply random values that the server generates
and stores for later use. However, as you point out, OAuth doesn't state
that that has to be the case any more than it states that a server must
store access tokens. The important thing is that the auth server be able
to recognize and verify each of these values. As such, nothing is
stopping the server from staying stateless and sending signed values to
the client for each or all of these fields, much in same way that a
server can issue signed access tokens that carry all their rights and
state within. As long as all of these values remain opaque to the
client, everything in OAuth still works. It also works fine within the
current DynReg framework, as John has just pointed out under a separate
-- Justin
On 08/22/2013 03:22 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
I have attached a PDF including some of my thoughts, concerns, and
suggestions for the upcoming meeting.
@independentid <>
On 2013-08-22, at 4:06 AM, "Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)"
<> wrote:
> I messed up the conference bridge time; here is the corrected
version but the details are actually the same.
> Meeting Number: 702 442 101
> Meeting Password: oauth
> -------------------------------------------------------
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> 3. Enter the meeting password: oauth
> 4. Click "Join Now".
> To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:
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> To join the Teleconference
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> Global dial-in numbers:
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>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf
>> Of ext Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 6:35 PM
>> To: oauth mailing list
>> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Dynamic Client Registration Conference Call: Thu 22
>> Aug, 2pm PDT: Conference Bridge Details
>> Here is the conference bridge and Webex information.
>> From an agenda point of view I guess we should start at a basic level,
>> namely with what we have already in the dynamic client registration
>> document (and folks may have actually missed it). There are two use
>> cases described in the WG document, namely
>> - Use Case #1: Open Registration (Appendix B.1)
>> - Use Case #2: Protected Registration (Appendix B.2)
>> Then, we could talk about some more sophisticated use cases where
>> information for protected registration is provided by a third party.
>> --------------------
>> Meeting Number: 702 442 101
>> Meeting Password: oauth
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> To join the online meeting
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> 1. Go to
>> MiMzMA%3D%3D
>> 2. Enter your name and email address.
>> 3. Enter the meeting password: oauth
>> 4. Click "Join Now".
>> To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:
>> =MiMzMA%3D%3D
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> To join the teleconference only
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Global Dial-In Numbers:
>> Conference Code: 944 910 5485
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